cONspiRaCy tHEorY hEadcANons

800 32 14

I think my tin foil hat is showing with that title
and to that I say, leave me alone, conspiracies are cool as hell


- Florida and Cali have a problem with watching conspiracy theory videos at like 2am and freaking themselves out

basically, their thought process goes:
how did flight 370 vanish?
what happened to Eliza Lam?
where is D.B. Cooper?
is Avril Lavigne dEAD?-
oh it's 1am.

- Florida likes to bug other states about the certain theories surrounding them
So..he mostly goes for New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Colorado
In return they bug him about Walt Disney right after he approaches them

- The states don't even know if their own theories are true which really just ends up creeping them out a little bit more
Queue California being scared of Hollywood and Colorado being kind of freaked out by the Denver Airport

- That's not including all of the government theories that DC's been asked throughout the years
Sometimes he likes to tease the ideas that some of the states have, but most of the time he just responds with "even if it were true I wouldn't tell you"

Which just ends up making the others even more suspicious

So basically:


Florida: DC.

DC(tired): wha- what do you want Florida

Florida: We want to know if Jeffrey Epstein committed aliven't or not

DC: Florida we've been through this- wait who's we?

All the other states walking out from behind the hallway:


Texas: your answer?

Alaska: *holds up voice recorder* loud and clear please


This was kind of short compared to my other chapters, so sorry about that
But it's 2am and I don't think I can think of writing anymore lol

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