family- state game night! (uno)

358 15 24

Oh no.

- This game has ended with Florida being thrown WAY too many times

The state doing the throwing has varied. Loui has done it a couple of times, New York obviously, the west coast worked together to collectively toss 'em, it's a very easy thing to do really. And especially stress reliving after this friendship ruining game

- Alaska is very good at lying about his cards and really giving no leads, so he tends to win a lot

- There is a lot of screaming once someone wins. It's a weird combination of northeastern "fuck you"s, western disapproval, midwestern depression, and southern rage. Especially on Florida and Loui's part

- The table has been flipped. Numerous times

I like to think that if they were playing on a foldable table, New York goes to throw himself onto it but someone flips it right before he can land, so it just ends with New York getting slammed with a table midair. So now there's an extremely dazed New York and a somewhat guilty Connecticut

- There was one incident where everyone kept stacking and stacking +4's until it reach something like +40-ish cards and it happened to land on Louisiana

Florida was the one who started the stacking so Loui did not hesitate to throw hands

- Just like in real life, friendships don't matter in uno unless you want to form an alliance or a friend happens to stack a +4 on you. In which case, you murder them

Cali does not have friends so he just,,verbally throws hands indiscriminately

- Texas was banned from playing because he gets too angry

Did a drunk Florida start it? Yes. Did Texas make the conscious decision to deck him and start an actual fight? Also yes


Colorado: Yo we're playing Uno, wanna join?
Gov: Oh thanks for telling
Gov: *hides*

Alaska: Uno
-General outrage-
Alaska: Hawai'i they're doing it again-

New York: How many times do we have to explain this, right now you can put down a blue +2 ONLY if the person with the wild card selects blue.
Georgia: Okay but-
Florida: Oh my god y'all..Georgia is going senile-
Georgia: *aggressive running towards Florida*
Florida: *screaming*

It is 6am and im already tired of today, i hate it here

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