mOre tiny state headcanons

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Idk wtf California is on rn but it is cool as sHIT dude
or we're all just bitches when it comes to anything below 60 degrees, but that's besides the point

- ProffesionalDumbass had commented how the poppy fields from last chapter were sort of a safe place for California, and I like that idea bc it's soft
So some other states could have something similar, like how Florida has a bunch of orange tree fields, and others have their own thing, etc

- But Florida would definitely run around in his orange fields when he was little whenever he was sad or angry about something
He'd only take people that he really trusts to them, like Loui, Cali, and Texas. Maybe Georgia since I feel like he'd be one of the only colonies to actually take a liking to the tiny Spanish boy

- The southern states owning a bunch of farm animals that the younger states would like to play with
A good way to describe it, just imagine a tiny Florida and slightly older Louisiana laying on a grass field with a bunch of baby ducklings surrounding them.
Add in South Carolina trying to help them off the floor and it's perfect

- Hawai'i and Alaska met during a state meeting when they still only wore their traditional clothes
Insert a curious Hawai'i asking Alaska nonstop questions about his people's culture, and Alaska being in complete awe at how pretty Hawai'i looks

- Louisiana learning witchcraft from when Massachusetts taught him about Salem, and then got into the practice after being taught a bit by the local witches in his state

He was also very paranoid about the other states finding out what he was doing, and once they the secret was out, he ran away and literally no one could find him. He was only found by the others because a hurricane hit him, and he was too sick to really go anywhere. Georgia probably carried him home while he slept, and the other states honestly felt really bad since he was in very sick when he came back home

- Tiny Alaska had and probably still has an obsession with snow globes
They just remind him of home

- Nee York got caught in The Great Fire of 1776, and was found in the rubble of a building by Massachusetts
Obviously the other colonies at the time helped nurse him back to health
They hate him but if they didn't help him, that's just a dick move


I really like the "Loui as a witch" headcanon if you could tell

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