why is the air spicy??-

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In order to boost motivation I will be trying to come up with headcanons for individual states in each chapter.

Today's episode; Arizona


- He's friends with New Mexico and Nevada
Even though Ari is almost just as whack, New Mex can somewhat tolerate him more (kind of like loui and florida but less iconic)

- He always has a tan or sunburn

- Has a bad habit of just straight up not drinking enough water, and has to be reminded by either Nevada or New Mexico since they're the only ones who can tell

If we want some tiny states stuff, the reason for this could've been that he just didn't use to have access to much water when he was little, and would constantly pass out due to it

- His room in the statehouse has a bunch of cacti and succulents in small pots. Sometimes some other states just see him coming back home with a bag of small pots and seeds

DC was gonna say something about it until he saw how much Ari cared about them

- Since it's canon that this man is just a feisty, slightly less chaotic version of Florida, he has definitely just grabbed a snake out in the wild and carried it home (only to have whoever his caretaker was tell him to throw it out)
Same could go for lizards, and basically any animal in the area

- he has some scars left on his body from all of the bugs and animals he's been bitten by
If anyone asks, he can tell them exactly what animal it was that left it

Like "..and this one was a rattlesnake- what do you mean those kill you? Well it didn't kill me bitch, take notes."

- He likes to grow flowers in Maryland's garden, sometimes picking them and giving them to his friends. They think it's really cute, and also accept them

- This man will die in any weather under 70 degrees
The only thing that keeps him from freezing up is Nevada or Colorado giving him one of their hoodies

God forbid it starts snowing, because he's so confused
Coco throws a snowball at him and his body shuts down for a good few minutes


Sorry for not posting in a bit-

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