d e a t h part 3 :]

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I've made a commitment I need to kill off all of them-
Minus DC bc imma just make it canon that this man is being haunted

tw!!death again, implied suicide

Arkansas - Drowning
Had been swimming at a nearby lake, and accidentally went out too far. Although there had been a decent amount of people by the lake, no one noticed what happened until it was too late, and no one could get to him on time. It was definitely a more sudden death, as he was terrified when he realized that he might actually die there.

Delaware - Poisoned
Was poisoned at a local bar, and didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. He called for a ride home, and only started to feel the symptoms once he'd gotten home. Thinking that it was just a bad reaction to the food he'd gotten, he tried to sleep it off, but quickly realized the pain was just getting worse.

Illinois - Fell to Death
Fell off a building in the city. It had been entirely an accident from being too close to the railing, however it was more so horrifying considering the amount of people there when he fell. It was the most public death out of the rest.

Indiana - Heart Disease
Had been diagnosed with Coronary heart disease, and died in front of his siblings in a hospital bed. Couldn't get proper medical help for his condition for a number of reasons, the main one really just being because of his awful mental health making it so he couldn't bring himself to care or try to care about keeping himself safe. Aside from that, he was amazing at hiding his declining mental health while he was alive, which is why no one bothered to ask if anything was wrong.

Iowa - Stabbed
Had been deemed missing for around 2 months before he was found in the middle of a random cornfield. Him and both another boy had been found in the relatively same area. This lead people to believe that it was a double murder, considered both of them died from being stabbed.

Kansas - Stabbed
Was the boy who'd die along side Iowa in the cornfield. The two were known friends, and had been walking along the main path, before being chased into the actual field, getting lost and eventually dying at the hands of the man who'd been chasing them.

Nebraska - Food Poisoning
Self explanatory, just ate a lot of food that had been contaminated. Gotten severely dehydrated, which most likely played a part in his death.

Side note, although this death is actually kind of scary if you were to go through it, if this man and the rest of the states had turned into ghosts he would get flamed so hard. You don't just die from food poisoning and expect to be let off the hook.

North Carolina - Plane Crash
Was a part of a plane crash that happening while flying back to his hometown of Charlotte. The cause of the crash had been because of repair complications before the flight took off, leading to something collapsing, and having the whole plane just go down. This all being of course very tragic news that his family had to receive back at his home. His brother was the first one to find out, as North had started texting him before things got really bad. When he didn't responded to any of his calls and his flight was being delayed big time, he'd already figured the worst had happened

New Hampshire - Car Crash
Somewhat self explanatory, was just being very reckless. Not drunk, not to impress anyone, just trying to have some fun. Obviously it back fired. It was found out a few days later that he was driving home from someone else's home, which may have contributed to what had happened.

New Jersey - Blunt Trauma
Victim of a hit while out in the city. Even though his body was found in NYC, he was a known resident from a small town in New Jersey. His family stated that it was meant to be a vacation of a sort, but things had turned for the worst.

Pennsylvania - Drowned
Had gotten trapped in a strong river current. There had been also been some attempts at getting him out, however because of the pure force that was pulling him away, they couldn't get a hold on him. He was basically in a cycle of being pulled into the water, and going back out to maybe catch a breath or two, before getting pulled down again. Very painful in other words.

Rhode Island - Crushed
Passed in the woods after being trapped under a tree for a day, internally bleeding the entire time. Because of how far he'd gone into the woods, there wasn't anyone to hear him call out for help. When he finally died, he had lost his voice from how much yelled he did, and had tears stained on his cheeks.

West Virginia - Explosion
Was caught in a coal mine explosion while working, much too late to get out in time. Along with the other workers, none of the bodies were retrieved.

Wisconsin - Alcohol poisoning
Was found dead in his car about 4 days after he went missing. He was seen at a few bars right before the disappearance, and seemed to have been going through a depressive episode at the time of his death. The cause of it being unknown.


God some of these deaths actually scare me-
Makin' me actually not want to die

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