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This chapter contains some of the events from S1:E11 (Dooku Captured)

Sal woke up and put on her beige robe and brown cloak. She looked in the mirror and noticed that she looked like Obi-Wan. She cleared her throat and put on her cloak hood.

"Hello there. I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi," she said in a deep voice. She could not contain herself and started laughing. She made sure her padawan braid was in sight and put her hair in her pigtails. The Mess was soon going to start serving breakfast, so she ran to get some blue milk and fruit. The cafeteria clone slapped it all on her plate and she thanked him. She walked over to her table and saw that Waxer and Boil were the only ones there. They were talking about something.

"Yes. They have to be dating. Cody either never eats or is always here. One or the other," Waxer shouted at Boil.

"Oh hello, General," Boil said. Sal was confused, then realized that she looked like Kenobi.

"Hello there," she growled.

"What's up, General? You never act like this. Did Cody do something?" Waxer asked.

Sal thought about a possible plot and smirked. "Yes. Add hot sauce to his coffee today."

"Ooh, General! Coming right up!" Boil laughed.

"Sir, I hope you are actually okay. But where's Sal? I mean Cody may be mad at you or something," Waxer added.

"Yes, I am fine. But that girl must have slept in today," Sal replied in a Kenobi-like voice.

Boil came back with the coffee, hot sauce, and some tea.

"Here, General. Got you some tea too," Boil said while giving her the items.

"Thanks, Boil," she said while dumping the hot sauce in the tea and coffee. The two clones looked at her, confused. "I will take this to Cody myself and wake up that padawan."

She walked over to Obi's quarters and knocked. No reply. She entered in the passcode and saw Cody snuggled into her master's side. She woke them up and Cody looked up and groaned.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I got you both drinks," Sal laughed.

Obi got up when she mentioned drinks and took the tea. Cody drank the coffee and made a face, but he kept drinking it. He's used to all of the pranks.

"Thank you, pad— WHAT THE KRIFF IS IN THIS!?" Obi shouted while spitting out the tea.

"Um, Hot sauce?" Sal said while sipping her blue milk.

"Why is hot sauce in my tea?"

"You need flavoring, right? Cody seems to like it."

"How did you even get the coffee, tea, and your milk?"

"Waxer and Boil thought I was you, Master."

"How are they so dumb?" Cody asked.

"I had the hood on. I don't normally like wearing robes," Sal explained.

"Let's hope you don't become Anakin. That's another crazy Jedi for me to deal with," Kenobi sighed.

"Me? Crazy?"

"You aren't bad yet."

"We have to go to the Temple today, so say goodbye to your cuddle buddy and let's go," Sal frowned.

"Awwwww," Cody groaned.

"I will be back, Cody. Just do what you normally do with the men," Obi told him.

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