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Sal ran to the Council Chambers in the morning. Yoda was probably already awake and meditating, as usual. Sal knocked on the door. Yoda opened it and let Sal inside. Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan were in Yoda's quarters as well.

"You too, Sal?" Ahsoka asked. She was wearing her new battle suit for once, Anakin scolding her after the tube top was nearly shredded in the heat of battle.

"What's going on?" Sal asked. "My lightsaber never acts like this."

"Give me your lightsaber, you shall," Yoda demanded kindly while extending his hand. He grabbed Sal's saber and studied it. "Looks normal, it does."

"What is the color of my lightsaber?" Sal asked them.

"Blue," Kenobi replied first. Sal smirked and turned on the saber. The yellow blade seemed to settle into a warm yellow hue, more yellow than Ahsoka's new shoto saber she built recently. Kenobi won't get Sal a second, claiming that her current form works best with her singular blade.

"Powerful, the crystal has become. New hilt you need. Very rare this is," Yoda chuckled lightly. He grabbed a box of hilts and quickly grabbed one with the force. It looked like a double bladed saber hilt by the length of it.

Yoda gave the hilt to Sal and she put the crystal in. She turned it on and it didn't comply.

"Less powerful than two crystals, it is," Yoda nodded. He took the double bladed hilt back. He grabbed another hilt and Sal put the crystal in again. She turned it on and the crystal complied this time. It was still yellow, but this hilt was for a crossblade saber.

"Perfect!" Yoda chuckled. Sal swing it around, making sure the extra two vents don't firm her in her typical styles. She would rather learn now then she would on the battlefield.

Sal turned the saber off and put it on her belt. She sat with the other three confused Jedi.

"Bring called somewhere, you are. Someone in danger, there may be. Skywalker, have the coordinates, do you?"

"Yes, Master. The area where we are being called to is the very same as the one with the big warning mark in our datapads. And a warning mark means that they are in trouble."

"Send you three to this place, I shall. But, warn you I must. No planet in this location, is there," Yoda chuckled. "A ship this must be."

"We will try and find a ship then," Anakin replied.

They all bowed to Yoda, who bowed in return, while running off to Anakin's small rustbucket of a favorite secret mission ship.

Anakin's favorite ship is half repaired, half experimented. The young Jedi refuses to let the mechanic clones or droids look at it, he wants to make it his own. The ship was against regs and Anakin doesn't seem to want to ever make it with the regs.

"Artoo," Anakin said while the droid rolled over to the ship. "We can't take you. It may be too dangerous. I can't lose you."

"Anakin. Attachment to a droid?" Kenobi scoffed. Artoo rattled and beeped, most likely cursing out the Jedi Master.

"Yes. You can't deny that you don't have attachments either, Master," Anakin snarled while sending Artoo off. Ahsoka entered the ship and saw how stinky it was.

"Master, when was the last time you cleaned this?" Ahsoka coughed.

"Um, I don't remember. More repairs, less cleans," Anakin laughed until he smelled the ship. He covered his nose and Ahsoka frowned.

"Just... clean this after the mission, okay, Master?" Ahsoka pleaded.

"Fine," Anakin growled while getting the ship started. The engine rattled to life and Sal got on her seatbelt. She knew that they were probably going to crash into something.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan copied the gesture, and Ahsoka even put on an Oxygen mask, not trusting the ship's system. She quickly took it off, the oxygen supply from the ship was not exactly clean either.

"Let's get going, hopefully this ship doesn't smell so awful," Ahsoka frowned. Sal and Obi-Wan agreed.

"Fine, I swear I will fix it," Anakin grumbled. He pushed in a bunch of buttons and the ship lifted off the ground. Sal was surprised that the rust bucket can fly. But...

"Can this thing go into hyperspace without falling apart?" Sal asked. Anakin laughed and Ahsoka frowned.

"Just took her out yesterday. She was as good as new when she came back," Anakin grinned.

"By as good as new, he means the cargo bay door opened," Ahsoka corrected.

"It's fixed, I swear!" Anakin replied while going into a hyperspace lane.

"That's what you said last time!" Obi-Wan and Ahsoka yelled in unison.

Anakin jumped them to hyperspace and the ship started shaking.

"I don't remember it doing this LAST TIME!" Ahsoka growled at Anakin.

"It does this all the time," Anakin replied, obviously lying.

"Sure it does," Ahsoka said while pressing a button, stopping the shaking.

"How did you do that—"

"Master, you had the wing on the wrong setting," Ahsoka laughed. "So much for the best pilot in the galaxy."

Anakin cursed in Huttese and Obi-Wan looked at the coordinates.

"It's a small jump, so we should not worry. Anakin, prepare to exit," Obi-Wan told his former padawan.

"Copy that Master," Anakin smiled while getting them out. Surprisingly, the ship didn't break. But the problem?

There was nothing at the coordinates.

"Rex," Anakin said to his comm, hoping for the Captain to pick up.

'Yes sir?'

"There is nothing here," Anakin frowned.

'Must be a prank call, maybe pirates. Come back as soon as you can, sir.'

That is when the saw it.

It was a big diamond, and the ship started flying towards it.

"Um, Master?" Sal asked.

"This must have been a trap. Can you get us out of this tractor beam, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked his padawan.

"No..." Anakin growled.

They started going faster and faster towards the Diamond, which opened, revealing a light.

The light which was the last thing they saw before the were knocked out.

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