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"Um, Mas—"

"It's Ben for this mission, remember, Sal?" Obi-Wan reminded her.

"Okay, um, Ben Kryze, are we all ready?"

"Not yet. We still have our disguises to find," Ben told her.

Sal found some scratchy-looking shirts that had some small holes in the fabric. Cody took one and put it on. He immediately took it off and put an undershirt on to keep the fabric from scratching him. The Jedi both did the same.

"Again, I am Ben Kryze, and you two are Mirdala and Kote Kryze. Questions?" Obi-Wan, or Ben, asked.

"You know Mando'a?" Sal asked.

"I asked Satine."

"Kote was my original chosen name, but the Kaminoans apparently didn't think it was 'basic enough,'" Cody laughed.

"Really? Glory. Huh," Sal thought aloud. "And Mirdala. Clever."

"Come on, Kote, Mirdala, we have a mission to begin."


Sal put the rest of her armor in a compartment and took her hair out of her ponytails. She put it back into a high ponytail instead and hid her padawan braid in the middle. Two small pieces of fabric were waiting on her chair and she sighed while picking them up. She wrapped one around her tattoo and another on the other arm to make both arms match. The last thing she needed was a pair of goggles that she fastened around her neck. She doesn't know the exact location that the refugees are going, Obi-Wan was briefed on the whole thing, she was not.

Sal walked over to Cody and Obi, who were filling some bags with some food. They couldn't bring anything more, hygiene products were considered luxury in the Coruscant refugee world and they didn't want to attract attention. Sal grabbed an abandoned beanie hat from their pile and put it on Cody's head.

"Where are we even going?" Sal groaned.

"We are going with a bunch of refugees off-planet. A small ship, we have tickets. Oh, yes, Cody, pack those thin blankets. We are going to a small unnamed planet," Obi answered.

Cody finished packing and gave each of them a bag. Sal carried the food and some small water canteens.

"Mirdala, put the canteens in the bag," Obi told her.

"Will do, Ben," Sal replied while putting the canteens in the bag. Clean water was also rare. Their dirty-looking canteens held some fresh water just in case.

The three walked to the destination and saw the ship. It was a small cargo ship that had a huge line of refugees waiting to board. Sal put on her cloak hood and a guard walked up to her.

"Who are you?" the Gamorrean snarled.

"My name is Mirdala Kryze. This is my brother Kote and his husband Ben. We are refugees. We left when Mandalore became pacifist," Sal replied confidently.

The Gamorrean snarled. "Gays. Move along. We have heard enough of those tragic backstories."

Sal grabbed Cody's arm and they continued on. Obi-Wan chuckled.


"Yes, Ben. Husband. What's wrong about that?"

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