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"Wake up, Sal," A familiar voice said while shaking her shoulder gently.

"Whatsit?" Sal slurred while rubbing her eyes. It was unusually bright outside that morning.

"We are here," the voice, now identifiable as Obi-Wan, told her.

"Okie. Where are we?"

"Satine's place on Coruscant."

"Oh. How long?"

"Three months."

"Three months for body guarding duty?"

"Sal, she was nearly captured and even worse, killed."

"Why can't Fox do it?"

"Fox? He's busy with the Chancellor. Plus, Satine isn't fond of clones."

Sal smirked when she saw Cody sleeping on Obi-Wan's lap. "Oh really?"

"He's an exception."

"And why is that, Master? Does someone miss their boyfriend still?"

"Cody is my boyfriend."

"You sure? He seemed to think you were cheating on him yesterday."

"That can be explained."

"Then wake him up and tell him, Master."

Obi-Wan looked over at the clone who was laying on his leg. "Cody, dear, wake up."

It didn't take even a millisecond for Cody to wake up. He looked at where he was previously laying and jerked back.

"Where are we, sir?"

"Bodyguarding duty, remember?"

"That's not all Master has to say, is it?" Sal said while nudging Obi-Wan's shoulder. The General gave her a glare and Cody crossed his arms.

"It's okay, Sal. He can tell the Duchess all the stories he wants," Cody said while walking away.

"Wait, Cod—"

"It's Commander to you, General."

"Commander, I order you to hear me out on this one," Obi pleaded. Cody looked over and waited for his General to speak.

"That was all an accident. I promise. The Duchess didn't know. She does now. Please, Commander. Please forgive me," Obi sighed.

Cody huffed. "I guess everyone deserves a second chance."


Sal slammed him to the floor. Her opponent kicked her in the chest and flipped their positions. He pressed his gloved fingers into her shoulders and squeezed. Sal laughed when he started to tickle her.

"I win," Sal's opponent, Cody, yelled in victory.

"That's not fair. You have no tickle spots."

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