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It was late that night when the Malevolence was destroyed. Sal walked to the mess, in hopes that there was some energy bars or blue milk extra from dinner. She walked in, and noticed that there was a whole container of blue milk. The cartons were all full, too. She licked her lips and grabbed a carton. Sal walked out of the kitchen, and saw Cody drinking coffee at his table. He looked like he was nearly dead.

Sal walked over and slammed her datapad on the table. Cody looked up, his eyes red from lack of sleep. She smirked.

"I gotta do reports, too."

"Go to sleep, sir," he groaned.

"Then you go sleep. And don't call me sir. We are the same rank," Sal laughed.

"True, but you are a Jedi, sir."

"Just don't call me sir, please. It makes me feel like Grandmaster Yoda, sir."

Cody coughed on his coffee. He must have had at least five of those in the past hour.

"I wish they gave us less reports, though," he said.

Sal started filling out them. She was going to be up all night.

"Master Kenobi will kill us once he sees us here, or we will already be dead," Sal laughed.

"I don't know when he does his reports. Or he just has none."

"He probably has them but does them during meditation time."

"Meditation time? I could never," Cody laughed.

"It's my sleep time. I had like three hours a day of meditation at the temple. AND I had to do mock reports so I knew I was filling them out correctly."

"Here it is just training, training, training."

"And reports."

"That too."

"If you want me to, Cody, I can see if he even has a datapad in his room. I have a meditation session with him I think. My brain might be fried, and I would be dead by then."

"The only thing keeping me running is black coffee and my brothers."

"Me but with blue milk. Too bad it isn't caffeinated. At least this brand isn't."

"You may have to get used to coffee. It helps."

Sal groaned and continued filling out reports. Reports from both of her previous battles, injury reports from Demon (there was a lot from him), and some training exercises from some Masters. Hours and hours of these reports made her feel horrible. Soon, Cody and Sal were sleeping on the table while everyone was eating lunch.

Kenobi stormed into the mess, and was agitated. "Where is that padawan?"

Meanwhile, Waxer and Boil were licking Cody and putting their salami on Sal. Kenobi sighed, and walked over.

"Did you stun them?" Kenobi asked.

"No, sir. They were doing reports here all night, I think," Boil said.

Kenobi sighed, and pointed at Cody's wet face. "And did you have to spit on him?" He then looked at Sal. "And put Salami strips on her?"

"Yes. And I call her Commander Salami Kalani," Waxer boasted.

Kenobi slapped his face, and tried to wake his Commanders up. Cody got up first, and he groaned. "I didn't finish the reports, did I?"

"You probably did enough for now, Cody. And here's a towel. These two have been spitting on you."

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