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⚠️ Scenes of undressing/nakedness ⚠️

Kenobi left the pool area to go get his bath ready. Satine, Cody, and Sal lounged in the spa. They shared their conversations in Mando'a, as all three used it as their main language.

"Cody!" Sal yelped when Cody splashed her back.

"Stop being rowdy in the spa! I am trying to relax here!" Satine barked at the two Commanders.

"Sorry ma'am," Cody apologized.

"It's fine. Do it again and Sal will have to cook dinner for me forever."

"I'm leaving," Sal said while grabbing Cody's arm and dragging him with her.

Sal dragged Cody into the hallway. She sighed.

"I don't know what is going on," Sal told him.

"What do you mean?"

"Satine leaves the apartment without an escort from one of us. I don't think we even need to be here! I have a feeling there is something they aren't telling us," Sal told him.

"I have been wondering about that myself as well. I am a soldier, not a citizen. What would my brothers think if I was lounging in a hot tub while they were fighting to the death? I don't feel good about it. I will ask Kenobi and see if he gives an honest answer."


Cody noticed that Kenobi wasn't in the room. He looked around the area and couldn't find the Jedi. Cody felt a light tap on his shoulder and he turned around. He saw Obi-Wan smile at him.

"Hello there, Cody. The bath is ready!"


"The one I punished you to do?"

"I was really hoping you would forget about that."

Obi tugged Cody's arm and pulled him into the fresher. The tub was pretty big compared to anything Cody has ever seen. But for the General, it was just another luxurious bath day. Kenobi poured bubble bath serum in the tub and it started bubbling.

"So, what now?" Cody asked Kenobi.

"We go in, of course."

Cody put his foot in but Kenobi pulled the leg out.

"No, no, no. You don't go into a tub with your swimsuit."

"Oh. Is there a bath suit?"

"Naked. You go in naked."


"Have you ever had a bath?"

"Not that I can recall, no."

Kenobi and Cody unchanged and went in the tub. It was warm and bubbly. Cody sat next to Kenobi and the Jedi leaned into the clone. This was going to be the Jedi's favorite bath yet.


'It seems I can't reach Master Kenobi. Duchess Kryze has more than enough bodyguards and there is some undercover work I want you three to check out. This mission will require you to act as a family of the sort. A refugee family, in fact. I want you three to be on the field tomorrow. I am sending the coordinates now. Good luck, Padawan Kalani,' Mace Windu said on the holocall. It was a last minute meeting and Sal was glad she could finally do a good undercover mission.

Sal walked over to Kenobi's quarters and knocked. Nobody opened the door. She sighed and knocked again. No answer. Sal sighed and punched in the code that Satine said 'unlocks all doors in an emergency.'

Sal walked in and saw nobody, but heard some strange noises from the fresher. Sal knocked on that door and got no answer. Sal yet again had to put in the emergency code.

"Master?" Sal asked before peeking in. Once she did she regretted it. "Kriff."

"What is it Sal?" Kenobi asked her. He was naked. Completely naked. Cody was laying on his chest, naked as well. Luckily, the bubbles covered the more private areas.

"Turns out that we are officially assigned to an undercover mission tomorrow. Assigned by Windu himself."

"I thought we were on a mission."

"The Duchess has more than enough guards. Plus, she is still apparently accused of being part of Deathwatch. Wouldn't be surprised if that goes to court and we have to help support her case."

"What is this undercover mission about?"

"Something about acting like a refugee family and spying. Windu will tell you more details tomorrow."

"Thanks Sal."

Sal nodded and walked out. She was suddenly thankful for her master's love for bubble baths. If not she would have a scarring image in her head. Wouldn't be the first image in her head of those two naked together though. Sal needs to remember not to go into a politician's bathroom with Kenobi.

Sal went into the kitchen and made some meat stew with random vegetables. Satine and Sal ate together, because the other two were probably still in the bath.

"We are leaving tomorrow," Sal told Satine.

"Another mission?"

Sal nodded. "I can't give any details, but we do indeed have another mission."

"I see. Even if you were able to tell me you wouldn't because I could be in league with Deathwatch."

"It's confidential information and I don't think you are part of Deathwatch. Kaleb fights on the side opposite of yours."

"Indeed. But if he did it for more power—"

"He wouldn't. Trust me. I knew his hatred for you before he joined them."

Cody and Obi-Wan walked in and took some food. Cody took a fruit as well, and Sal could agree that the fruit here is addicting. The Padawan walked over and took one for herself. She bit into the fruit and felt the juicy taste spread throughout her mouth.

"This Gamorrean?" Kenobi asked. Sal gagged.

"No! It's Porg!"

"I swear this is Gamorrean."

"Gamorrean smells bad. This does not smell like Gamorrean," Sal laughed.

"My senses must be failing me," Obi-Wan laughed.

"They definitely are. Luckily, Gamorrean is too expensive for refugees. And no, Hutt meat is also expensive. That stuff is slimy."

"Hutt is delicious!"

"You are absolutely disgusting, Obi-Wan," Satine stated.

"Agreed," Cody said while backing away from the Jedi. "No kisses for you."

Obi-Wan pouted but kissed Cody afterwards. "You didn't say anything about me kissing you."

"Kiss later. I don't want to see that," Sal growled.

"I don't either. Get a room," Satine agreed.

"Will do, Duchess. Let's go, Cody."

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