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Sal walked on the cruiser, and saw lots of clones looking at her strange. A few clones saluted her. She was confused but decided to look around the ship. She saw clones going to their barracks, some in the training room, and she found the command center. Admiral Yularen saw her and smiled.

"You lost, Commander?" he asked.

"Yes. I never thought these cruisers were so big," Sal commented.

"The medbay is 5 floors down, and on the starboard side."

"Thanks, Admiral."

She ran down the stairs, and some more clones greeted her. She found her way to the medbay when she saw some clones unconscious and roped to a bed. She immediately realized that the crazy medic rumors were true. A medic saw her and told her to sit down on a bed.

"Two bullet wounds, and what appears to be a dislocated shoulder, sir. Not bad for your first mission," the medic said.

"Not bad?"

"Oh yeah. I'm just glad I am able to meet my new Commander. And that you actually come to the bay."

"Ok... thanks?"

"Any missions with that General Skywalker are successful, but they don't end well. The plans are reckless."

"As so I have heard."

"You need to wear a bacta cast for two days. And so you don't move, you have to stay in here."

"I guess the crazy medic rules are true then."

"We aren't crazy. The men just forget about their health. And the Jedi too."

The medic put a bunch of cleaning solution on Sal's shoulder, and she groaned. That probably hurts worse than the bullet itself. He wrapped her wound, and made her lie on the bed.

"Stay there. Move and you will be fasten in and stunned."

"Ok then."

The medic raised her bed, and went to get her some food. The Jedi was starving, and could eat a whole ration bar.

She saw the person next to her stir awake, and he suddenly started laughing. This person scared Sal, and she gave him a look.

"You a Jedi?" he asked.


"Use your lightsaber and get me out of here."


"Just do it."

"I can't reach over there. My shoulder hurts."

"Whatever they use to treat wounds, it works. But it hurts."

"Indeed. He is making me stay here for two days."

"Good for you. I am here because I have a broken back. Can't leave for four more days. He says that he may put me in a tank."

"I mean, time flies in a tank I guess?"

"I would prefer to smash Seppie tanks right now."

"Same. But the Seppies don't always miss."

"I'm bored."

"You've been awake for 5 minutes?"

"Yeah, but you aren't tied to a bed."

"I guess. But I still have to be bored."

The clone groaned and tried to bite his way through the rope. Sal picked at her bacta, and saw that her wounds were still bloody. She groaned and tried to get up. Her shoulder hurt really badly and she couldn't get all the way up. The medic came back with food for Sal.

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