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Sal slurped some blue milk she mixed with some strong coffee while filling out her reports. She actually liked her new blend of coffee and felt the effects of the caffeine kick in. It was about 2 in the morning and she was in the mess with Cody and Ponds.

"Oh, the life of a Commander," Ponds said while slurping some coffee.

"I don't get sleep anymore," Cody added.

"Well, it's just one all-nighter, we will be fine," Sal grumbled.

Ponds started singing a song shortly after. His men forbid him from drinking any caffeine for that reason. He gets more hyper than the average clone. Nothing bad, except his singing. But that singing wasn't bad. It was horrible.


"Shut up, vod," Cody growled.


"Please listen to Cody, Ponds. My eardrums are begging you. So is my sanity."

"Fine," Ponds replied.

"Let's keep working. I kind of want to be done by tonight. And if your singing wakes Windu up, Ponds, then we all will die the worst death. And he will cook tomorrow's food," Sal warned them.

"He always cooks on the Endurance. Do the Jedi never cook on your ship?" Ponds asked.

"He... cooks... every day for you all?" Sal asked, horrified.

"Yeah. I just eat the ration bars when he's not looking. I honestly feel bad," Ponds admitted.

"Less talk more work," Cody growled.


Around 4 hours later clones started filling the mess. The Commanders have about 3 hours worth of reports left. They have to fill a casualty form for each death, an injury form for everyone injured, a behavioral report for everyone, and a report describing their view in the battle. Of course, the Generals only had to fill out that description report. They gave the rest to their Commanders.

"Hello, Sal," Waxer said when he walked up to the Commander table.

"Must... finish..." she mumbled.

"Oh. Your reports. Have fun," Waxer said as he ran to Boil.

Cody got more coffee for the three of them. It had to be their tenth glass, at least. They looked like walking zombies.

"I am so glad I don't have an office job," Ponds told them.

"What do you mean? This IS an office job," Cody said while drinking his cup.

"Honestly," Sal agreed. She drank the whole cup of coffee and went to refill it. Obi-Wan was in the line and he was filling his tea cup. Sal grabbed a carton of blue milk and poured it in her cup and then filled the rest of the cup with coffee.

"You drink coffee?" Kenobi asked her when she was walking back.

"If I need it," Sal replied. Obi-Wan sat down at the Commander table and noticed how tired all of them looked. Cody was about to go an refill his glass when Obi-Wan stopped him.

"When is the last time you three have slept?" Kenobi asked.

"I don't know," Ponds admitted.

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