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"Whenever I look at you, Master, I can't unsee what I saw earlier," Ahsoka said while Anakin put on his suit jacket.

"Oh, you will get over it. The clones seemed to be more open with it," Anakin laughed.

"General Kenobi was chasing us, sir," Rex said.

"Men," Sal said with a sigh.

"They aren't men, they are a bunch of full-size 10 year olds," Ahsoka told her.

"Well, technically spe—"

"We know," Ahsoka interrupted. Ahsoka was sitting on a chair while Padme was attaching the headpiece to her montrals. It attached perfectly to Ahsoka's Akul teeth at the bottom.

"Good. The whole thing fits," Padme exclaimed. She added some extra ornaments to the headpiece today. Kenobi walked in the room fully dressed. The clones backed away and let him pass.

"You are scared of me now?" Kenobi asked. The clones nodded.

"Yeah. You were chasing them around the entirety of the shower room, Master," Sal laughed.

"So? You know why I was chasing them," Obi said while nudging Sal.

"Oh... that."

"What are you talking about, sirs?" Rex asked.

"Nothing to do with you, Captain," Kenobi said. Rex turned over to Cody who suddenly went red.

"Oh, Codes, do you have something to say for yourself?" Rex said with a smug look on his face. Cody kept quiet.

"Oh, I have something to say," Kenobi said while walking over to the two. Cody backed away and mouthed that they shouldn't do that there. But of course it was too late. They were already kissing and four people were absolutely shocked.

"MASTER!" Anakin said. "Welcome to the attachments club!"

"What do you mean, 'club'?" Ahsoka asked.

"My wife, Senator Amidala," Anakin said. Nobody was surprised.

"Don't repeat old news," Sal told Anakin.

"You knew?" Padme asked.

"Anakin is bad at keeping secrets."

"Now, Codes, do you have something to say for yourself?" Rex asked again.

"Surprise! I have a boyfriend!" Cody said while rolling his eyes.

"Let's continue getting ready. We can't be late," Padme said while doing Sal's hair.

"Of course, m'lady," Anakin bowed. Padme rolled her eyes.

"My guard should be here soon. I didn't invite him because the Coruscant Guard doesn't keep secrets," Padme said. As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, Commander! How good to see you!" Padme exclaimed. Rex and Cody groaned.

"Nice to see you too," the guard said. "I have a speeder ready for you and your 'company'," the Commander replied while extending the door.

"Thanks, Fox," Padme said. Fox hadn't seen Rex or Cody yet, but they were already sweating. The last time they saw each other Fox said that he would embarrass the two the next time he saw them.

"Hello Generals and Commanders. Where are your guards?" Fox asked.

"We are back here nut-head," Cody yelled.

"Oh, if it's not the Annoying Orange and Blondie," Fox said while walking over to the two. Fox grabbed both of them and started giving Cody a noogie. "I missed you two!"

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