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Sal walked over to the gym, where Obi-Wan was waiting for her.

"You are 45 seconds late," Kenobi growled.

"Sorry, Master. I had Cody feeding duty. At least, I dropped the food off. He refused to eat."

"I will deal with him later. But we must continue training. You can join the men over there. And tell Waxer he is joining the men, I am leading training today."

Sal ran over to the clones, and went to Waxer.

"Hey Waxer, Kenobi's leading training for the rest of today."

The clones groaned, and Waxer frowned. "Okay, then. Let's go over to the General."

The men and Sal walked over to Kenobi, who was ready to start the afternoon training. They were all walking really slow. Sal assumed his workouts were hard. Soon they all got in position and Kenobi made them get in a big block. He ordered them to do stretches, push-ups, and Sal collapsed. The Jedi looked at his padawan and invited her over to him. He barked out more orders and the men started cussing him out. Sal silently laughed, and Kenobi made her run laps. The men followed her, and eventually caught up to her. She suddenly was in their crowd, and was suddenly glad that they had their shirts on. They smelled like sweat, and she gagged. She ran faster, and got out of the crowd and coughed. They all finished their laps.

Kenobi ordered them all to go to the pool, and Sal's jaw dropped. A pool? She loves swimming. They walked to the locker rooms, and Sal went into the women's locker room. It was much smaller than the men's side of course, for obvious reasons. She grabbed a random swimsuit and changed. There was also a pair of goggles and a cap waiting for her. She put both on, and walked out. The clones were wearing bodysuits and waterproof helmets. There was a diving and swimming section of the pool. She saw Kenobi, and the clones started going on the diving blocks. She found a place in one of the lines, and soon was on the block. Kenobi blew a whistle and she dove in.

The water was cold, and Sal enjoyed it. She started sprinting, and outswimmed all of the clones. They looked at her in awe, and she smirked. Waxer helped Sal out of the pool. She could get out herself, but Waxer insisted to help her.

Kenobi walked over, and the clones received new swimming orders. Waxer, Boil, and Sal shared a lane, and she lapped them multiple times. They complained that their suit was the reason behind it. They also had fins on. Sal kept swimming, and was told that the pool was open often. She smiled, and knew that she would be back often.

This time, Waxer let her go out of the pool herself, and they walked back to get changed. She got out of the locker room, and Kenobi was ordering the men to get showers. Sal walked over to her master.

"Someone can swim, I guess," he said.

"Yeah," she replied.

They walked over to the mess for dinner, and Sal grabbed some beef. She decided to sit with Obi-Wan today. Waxer and Boil joined her, as they wanted to sit away from the shinies. Waxer didn't want to get hurt too.

The Jedi both quickly finished their food, and walked to the Bay to check on the Commander. They walked in and saw Cody sleeping. His left foot had a small blue cast on it. Kenobi ran his finger down it, and saw that one of the medics had drawn a small smiley face on it. Sal walked over, and saw the cast. Demon walked in, and saw Kenobi's hand on Cody's cast.

"He's gonna have that on for a little while," Demon said.

"How long will he be here, then?" Sal asked.

"He can leave now. He just can't do as much right now, until we take off the cast. He broke his ankle. We haven't told him yet though, because the last time he was awake he tried to kill me," Demon laughed.

"Well, that's reassuring," Sal said.

Cody woke up a few minutes later, and looked at his hands. They were still binded together. Demon waved at him, and Cody growled.

"You have a cast that you will have on for the next few days," Demon said. "But I plan on releasing you now."

"That cast won't last long, I feel fine," Cody growled.

"Well then, do you want me to prescribe the Tamer to you?" Demon asked, shaking a bottle.

"Please, no," Cody said.

"The Tamer?" Kenobi asked.

"A dissolvable tablet that can calm him to a neutral or happy state in seconds. It worked once, it can work again," Demon explained to the Jedi Master.

Demon opened Cody's mouth and made him eat the tablet. Like Demon said, Cody's frown turned to a smile, and his eyes sparkled.

"Interesting," Sal exclaimed.

"Indeed. Someone will have to keep an eye on him, I don't want to keep him here at the Bay. He will only take these by force," Demon said while tossing Kenobi the bottle. Devil untied Cody, and the clone tried to get up. He fell onto the floor and ran into Kenobi.

"I'm so sorry, sir!" Cody yelped.

"That's okay, Commander," Kenobi said while helping Cody onto the bed.

"So, are we all set, Demon?" Sal asked.

"Yup! Give those to him twice a day," Demon laughed.

Kenobi helped Cody stand, and the clone used the Jedi as support to walk. Sal made sure that they had everything, and they all went to the mess. Waxer and Boil greeted them, and noticed Cody's cast.

"Woah! Did the shinies actually beat you up, Commander?" Waxer gasped.

Cody laughed. The other two clones looked at him like he was crazy. "It has been broken for a while now, I can't count the months. It hurt, but the cast is helping," Cody said.

"Wait, so what did they do to him?" Boil asked.

Kenobi tossed him a bottle of the Tamer. "We can have a calm Cody now."

"Wait... so he won't kill us?" Waxer gasped.

"He won't be Cody-like anymore? Thank goodness," Boil sighed.

"Does that mean lenient workouts too? If so, I am in," Waxer giggled.

"Same," Boil yelled.

"He better stay this way. I can't deal with him sometimes," Waxer confessed.

"Oh yeah. Nobody can."

"I can't wait to tell the others," Waxer cheered and tossed the bottle to Obi-Wan while walking away with Boil and Sal. That just left Cody and Kenobi at the mess. Cody looked down, disappointed about their remarks. Kenobi looked over to him and noticed Cody was looking at his cast.

"What's wrong, Cody?"

"Do you guys hate me?" Cody choked. It then hit Obi-Wan. They were insulting Cody right in front of him. Obi put his hand under Cody's chin, and lifted it up so they had eye contact.

"Cody, we don't hate you. We never did. We just are glad that we can help you feel better."

Cody grabbed his helmet from a table that was nearby. He shoved it onto his head, and Obi-Wan made sure he was ready. They started walking to the clone barracks, where Waxer and Boil were talking to the men. Cody kept calm, and they continued walking. They made it to Cody's quarters and Cody entered his password and went in. Kenobi helped him lay down, and he curled up under his blankets. Kenobi left, and put some pills on Cody's desk. He didn't give him it all, as he would probably forget to take it. Or he would just smash it and make the medics take it.

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