In Safe Hands (Part 2)

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“Yes, of course. I am very much aware.” he replied.

“Good,” you stood from your seat and placed your used cutlery in the sink. “I'll be outside. The plants need tending to.”

Loki looked back at you. “Is it safe?”

“Of course.” you reassured him. Loki also wanted to go outside and maybe scan the area so he could familiarize himself with the terrain in case he needed an escape route, even though there's not much terrain to familiarize. You lived in the middle of a meadow, plains and horizons were the only things that surrounded you. No nearby mountains or crazy rivers, just ponds here and there and the occasional willow tree that swayed in the wind.

You had told him it was safe, without being certain whether or not it actually was. The TVA will always be on the lookout for Loki, until Thanos, The Allfather or they have caught him. Perhaps you would advise him to keep his magic on the down low for the mean time.

“Do you think it unwise if I used seiđr to protect this house?” he asked.

“Nothing too drastic, please. The TVA definitely has technology that can detect spikes of magic.”

“An incantation then?”

“That would be good.”

You fetched your gloves before going outside and tending to the plants. Some of them weren't of course native to your homeland, Alfheim, but you weren't even the tiniest bit familiar with some of the other plants. You swore you haven't seen them before in all your years, not even in books. You had to do a lot of experiments with the plants that were unknown to you, risking your well being just to study and grow them successfully. The stacks of notes you had on them were almost concerning.

There were plants that were Midgardian so they weren't too sensitive on care unlike the Elvish ones. Luckily in this realm, pest creatures aren't very popular. A flying insect would come by for a moment or two but it would mostly pollinate the plant it rested on and that was about it. The other creatures on the realm were mostly mundane, given the fact that you lived in a grassy field. You haven't travelled far enough yet to see the creatures that dwell in the mountains or in the deep waters.

Loki had come out moments after you did and began his incantation spells. He uttered them softly but clearly in Old Norse by all sides of your home while you were taking out weeds and unwanted roots.

The house glowed a faint color of green once he'd finished. You felt Loki's magic radiating off of it but nothing too strong. You have done some form of divination while you were here so a little hum of magic won't alert the TVA to rush your residence.

Loki heard your disappointed sigh when you saw that one of your plants had been wilting. You followed all of the steps you written down for it to healthily sprout. Why hadn't it worked this time?

“What is the matter?” He kneeled beside your form to observe.

“Oh,” you glanced at him, not expecting his attention. “This little thing wilted... Again. Despite my undivided attention.”

Loki delicately touched the leaves to try and recognize the plant. He has seen it in Asgard before, in Frigga's garden, but it wasn't native there. Frigga had incessantly told him that they were rare and that it was her third most prized possession just after himself and Thor.

“May I?” he asked, his fingers beginning to glow green.

You nodded and moved aside so Loki had access to the plant. He held the pot in his hands and let his seiđr flow through the soil to touch the roots planted within them. Slowly, the dying plant turned green again and even bore bright yellow flowers after Loki healed it with his magic.

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