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Sang's POV

Have you ever felt fear that completely paralysed your body despite your mind screaming at you to attack, to run....to do anything? Fear that turned your blood cold to the point you wondered if you had been locked in a coffin of ice?

I thought i knew what fear was.

The fear i felt the first time my stepmother hurt me.

The fear i felt when i was sold to the circus.

The fear i felt at realising Adrik was dying.

But none of that compared to the fear this masked man installed in me.

Why though? why did i fear him so much?

''....to feel you against me, have you in my arms, i would give the world everything for this to last forever.''

I had become so numb and deaf from fear i had only started to realise and hear as Voltos distorted voice spoke next to my ear, he was so close i could feel the cold of the mask against the ear he spoke against.

''I told myself to stay away...but i had to come back''

Why though? 

Why was Volto suddenly taking an interest in me? Was it because he was involved with the others?

''I waited years to find you....''

It was like a bucket of water was thrown over me to wake my body up as his words registered in my head, my eyes grown wide as i finally took control of my body and attempted to move out of his grip but it was futile and only resulted in him gripping me tighter against him.

What did he mean years to find me? 

Did i know Volto?

''Yet despite my yearning, my undying loyalty and my constant searching for you....you disappointed me little bird''

I felt the anger in his voice when he said 'disappointed' and once again the fear almost paralysed me but thankfully i kept control of my body and continued to try to escape his grip but when his hold became so tight i was sure i would stop breathing i willing myself to stop fighting and noted that as soon as i did his grip loosened.

I need him to loosen just a little more and then i can counter attack.

I hated that his hand covered my mouth still stopping me from being able to yell out or even at him.

''Despite everyone clipping your wings, you still fly as beautifully as you did back then....but you have forgotten me....you side with them''

I could feel his body shake with the anger he was restraining and i knew i would only have once chance to counter attack and if i timed it wrong i would be at the mercy of that anger.

''They don't care about you like i do...they will never love you like i do''

What the hell? Love me? was this man insane?

''I should take you now...punish you for your actions, keep you in your bird cage so the Academy cant have you, so he can't find you....i thought getting rid of Adrik would give me more time but i was too late in learning who he was...who he contacted''

The fear was starting to dwindle as my one anger began to take over...he had killed Adrik? but why? and who did he not want finding me? i was a no one, a ghost in the world of the living, no one would ever be looking for me.



''I swear she left a while ago i figured she was going to find you guys that's why i was surprised when you came knocking at the door''

I heard multiple voice shouting my name, i could make out some of my men's voices as well as Rhiannon's and Wil's voices as well and i tried yelling from behind the leather glove but it only came out as a slightly audible muffle. 

''Damn it....i will need to deal with them before i can finally cage my sweet bird''

Even behind the distortion i could hear the anger he felt at hearing people nearby yelling for me, looking for me.

Looking for me.

People were looking for me.

I was wrong, i would have people looking for me.

''I will collect you soon, i will dispose of them as i did Adrik''

His dark promise chilled me to the bone and i finally had the courage to lift me head to look at the haunting white mask covering the identity of this man, i wanted to hurt him, to ask him why he killed Adrik, i wanted my body to stop fearing him.

It was when he tilted his head slightly that i saw the flash of cold erratic blue eyes staring back at me and as if he could see the anger and questions in my eyes he left out a small humourless laugh.

''Why did i kill Adrik?''

''Sang Baby!''


I could hear the voices coming closure and begged them to find us so they could capture Volto, to scare him enough that he would not fulfil the promise of 'collecting' me soon.

''Our time is cut short Sweet Bird, but i will tell you why i killed your precious Adrik...''

I could hear my heartbeat as my ears drowned out the voices of those looking for me as Volto leaned so close to me that the only barrier between our faces was the mask that shielded his identity.

''Because you loved him....''

My eyes widened at his words my heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces.

He killed Adrik because of me? Because i loved him?

''See you soon Sweet Bird''

I felt so numb that when he loosened his grip enough that if i had been in any other state i would've used as opportunity to pin him until others got here but i had become so numb my body didn't even register being pushed to the ground as the all in black figure ran towards the darkness that would shield him from being followed and as my body finally registered he was gone and as the moment i allowed myself to breath i finally gave those searching for me a location as i released an anguished scream filled with the the pieces of my heart as my mind repeated Volto's words.

Because you loved him....Because you loved him....I killed Adrik because...

Because i loved him.

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