I Got You Princess

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Sang's POV

I don't recall much of last night after i black out from my punishment, i do remember Wil being the one to collect me and take me back to my caravan, i also remember him helping deal with my injuries as i came in and out of consciousness, i think he was talking to me but sadly i don't recall any of that when i started to wake up.

''Sang, how are you feeling?''

I turned my eyes that had moments ago finally opened and adjusted to the morning light. I felt the worn mattress under my stomach and even without noticing my faded pink curtains on the window i knew Wil had brought me to my bed. 

I took a few moments to let my mind adjust to my body which was a mistake as i soon became painfully aware of how bad i currently was. My bad felt as though is had been shredded, it was pain that was on par of the whip.

''I can see the pain on your face so there's no point lying to me''

Wils voice filled my ears followed by a small sigh before he sat on the plain wooden chair that sat near my window bringing him into me line of sight. Poor Wil looked tired, he obviously got very little sleep or none at all, i felt terrible that he had to deal with this yet again and as though sensing my thoughts his lips dipped down in a frown.

''Don't even go there Sang! this isn't your fault its bloody McCoys.....and those boys''

I don't think he meant for me to hear the last of his sentence but i had and i couldn't help but let out a small sigh.

''it....it wasn't there fault''

My throat was hoarse and was almost painful to speak, sensing this Wil moved of the seat before returning a few moments ago with a glass of water holding it towards my lips as the straw settled between my lips allowing me access to the very much needed cold tap water.

After several sip i nodded my head towards him to let him know it was fine to move the glass which he did and then placed it on the small brown built in bedside between my bed and the chair he once again sat in. Wil watched me carefully not saying a word as i tried to push away the agony from my back behind the wall i had built in my head, it took several tries but i was finally able to mentally lower the pain finally giving me the ability to move my limbs.

I tried pushing myself up on the bed, it took a few tries but i finally managed it though it felt like i was now lying in a pool of sweat after doing so. Brushing my hand across my forehead i couldn't help but worry at how warm it felt.

I couldn't risk getting unwell due to my injuries....not during opening week.

''Your back is really bad Sang, you need to see the doctor''

I frowned at his words and he sighed in resignation he knew i would never go to the circus doctor the last time i had went after a punishment the creep had tried to take advantage of me thankfully Wil had came in with Adrik and dealt with him, i haven't been back since.

''I can only do so much to help, i managed to crap some pain meds but Sang....''

He bent forward his sad eyes locked with mine.

''You can't perform like this, you started burning up last night while i was trying to deal with your back, i worry you are at risk of infection because of how red and hot your wounds are....''

I cut him off before he could continue.

''I know you are worried Wil but you know i can't miss performing, i will just suffer even worse punishment, i'll try to talk to Hendrick's to get me out off the opening and just allow me a simple performance as GhostBird....but you know the chances are...''

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