Flirting Fun

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A/N How are you enjoying the chapters? i hope they aren't too long or short, i'm not great when it comes to feelings so writing about a range of different ones have been hard but i hope i've managed to get them across. And though i don't reply to the comment's i read every single one and take in all your words, thank you so much for your support!

Sang's POV

I cleared my throat, the sound amplified by the silence of the men around me. Ever since i finished singing the men had been looking between me and Gabriel with a range of different emotions. Even stoic Owen and Axel were showing the pride they had for Gabriel and when the would shift their attention to me i saw they looked at me differently. Kota seemed to be smiling warmly as he looked around at everyone as though he was in on something i had missed.

''Gabe you are amazing!''

Luke squealed like a love struck fan girl as he pounced at Gabriel.

''That was really something''

North said a rare smile on his lips as he looked at his brother with pride, an emotion that shone in all their eyes when they looked at Gabriel.

How did he not see how proud his brother's were of him?

''Both you and Miss Sang were outstanding''

Owen said as he  cleaned his glasses as Axel nodded beside them.

''You creative talent's never cease to amaze me Gabe''

He added before giving me a small nod which i was taking as a form of thanks.

Why was he thanking me?

''He certainly is talented''

I added in agreement smiling towards Gabriel

''You think that's awesome....''

Corey started and i saw doubt wash over Gabriel for a second no doubt worried his brothers were going to one up him which caused me to frown as Corey continued.

''You should see his art, his clothing designs hell we all wear Gabe's cologne because they are the amazing''

My eyes widened as i turned round at Meanie.

''Oh my god you can do all that?''

I asked, Meanie was beyond talented!


He muttered embarrassed but i saw the raw emotions in his eyes from the responses of his brothers, he was finally starting to believe them and himself.


''You have to teach me to draw....i can't even draw stick men''

A few of the guys frowned and gave a small huff folding my arms and pouting slightly.

''It's not funny...''

''How can you mess up stick men Trouble''

Meanie asked his voice full of humour.

''They are really hard''

I whined, those damn stick men were harder to get right than people realised.

''Don't worry Trouble...''

Meanie muttered before moving forward and putting his arm around me.

''I'll happily spent forever teaching you...''

He whispered softly against my ear and my eyes went wide at his words.


''Oh shit Gabe!''

Cirque Du AcademyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora