Don't Leave Me Like This

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Sang's POV


One word was all it took for the memories i wished to forget take over,even now after so many years that woman was still able to cause me pain.

''You stupid girl!''

My stepmother screeched as she slapped me across the face, i was only six and yet the slap didn't cause me to flinch,i didn't even cry, i was used to this kind of pain. I looked towards the floor the white tiles below my feet as now decorated with pieces of a cream plate, the bubbles caused by the soap i had used to clean with slowly fading from existence.

''No good whore! you can't even clean plates without screwing up!''

I felt the tug of my hair as she tightly griped it in her hand before throwing me down into the ground, into the broken pieces i had created, wincing when i felt it slice into my palms and knees but i didn't yell out, i fought back the tear that threatened to escape.

It would just make thing's worse making a noise,she would just punish me more.


I felt her foot connected with my stomach 


She was getting angry,her teeth grinding together as she kicked me on the back causing my body to further fall and damage itself in the broken plate.


I closed my eyes tightly, tears were slowly slipping out my eyes despite my best efforts, my teeth brutally biting into my lower lip to stop me from screaming in agony.


The force of her stomp on my back had black dots appearing from nowhere, i was surprised she didn't break it with the force. My head screaming,begging for her to stop but i knew better than to let the words escape my lips.


Another full force kick this time to my side the force causing me to roll onto my back, as i gasped for air, i was sure i felt something snap, she had broken something again.


She spat at me before storming off muttering into the thing air angrily about me but i just tuned her out as i stared at the white ceiling that was slowly darkening due to the sun leaving, the dots that only i could see caused by my stepmother's punishment almost acted like stars, why couldn't it have been stars i was seeing instead of these, as i refer to them, dots of pain. I tried to take a deep breath but it was agonising so i just lay there, bleeding,in agony unable to breath properly knowing that my father would be home soon, he would fix me, fix me so i could be broken by stepmother again.

I'm suddenly yanked from the flashback my body on fire, it was as though i relived the pain,but it wasn't the feeling of burning that brought me back, it was the feeling of something against my lips and as i opened my eyes i realised just what that something was.

Nathan's lips.

He was kissing me.

My first kiss.

It was awkward, his lips were just planted on mine, there was no love behind it like i had hoped for my first kiss and i couldn't help the rage flowing through my  veins as i realised the one who had caused me to suffer from memories i try so hard to block, had taken my first kiss.

Before second thought i shoved him away, he moved backwards looking at me with wide eyes and went to open his mouth to speak but before a word could escape i felt my fist connect with his face with all the strength i could gather as he rolled off me from the force,a yelp of pain being the thing to come out his lips instead of the words he was going to speak.

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