Discovering The Perpetrator

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A/N First of, in case you missed my announcement, the chapter before Volto's chapter that was originally titled 'Scared' has been rewritten and changed to 'Who Tried To Kill Me?' so i would suggest re-reading that chapter so you aren't confused with this chapter? Lastly, I'm very sorry for lack of updates, i got accepted into college (Yaaay!) doing higher counselling and the course has six different classes so my days are either filled attending my classes or studying/doing my assessments and on the days im not focused on college i'm out volunteering, my stories have not been abandoned but updates will be longer to release, i thank you all so much for your continuing support! 

Sang's POV

I had stormed off towards my camper but had stopped a few minutes away from my destination as i realised i had no idea what to do.

Where do i even begin?

I can't go back to the boys after storming out on them.

I looked behind me for a moment surprised not to see any of the fourteen men behind me but knew Owen and Axel no doubt stopped them from doing so.

Think Sang, Think!

''There you are!''

I turned my body and attention to the left of me as i heard the familiar voice


I yelled as the girl embraced me before stepping backwards where i noticed the concern in her eyes.

''What happened back there? first you have this hottie performing with you, sparks flying everywhere....of course not girl if you don't want him i'll happily volunteer as tribute....''


I yelled snapping her out of her wandering thoughts as well as completely ignoring what she had said though i could feel the heat on my cheeks.

'' i was watching....was it foreplay? you never let anyone but Adrik do such got a kink i don't know about?''

Now i wish i had went back to my men.


My men?

I shook that weird thought out my head unsure where that had even come from before giving a pointed look at Rhiannon as she once again derailed from what i wanted to hear.

''Sorry, again. Anyway next thing i know hottie stumbles and you're on your arse and the knife is embedded where your head was supposed to be''

I frowned at her words, she hadn't noticed anything by the sounds of it.

''Someone made Raven loose concentration...''

I mumbled quietly mostly talking to myself.

'' think someone made this happened?''

I could hear the anger in her voice at learning someone tried to hurt me.

''Yes, Raven said something hit him....''

That's it!

''Rhiannon i need you to do something for me''

The girl nodded automatically waiting for me to continue

''I don't want whoever did this to know im snooping, i need you to go back to where Raven was standing where we were performing and see if whatever hit him is still there, it might be a loose end but if it's something specific it may show me who here tried to have me killed.''

''No problemo, what i don't understand is everyone here knows how good your are with such acts, are you sure they were trying to help you''

I felt my eyes widen, Adrik had many tricks and i was the only one he taught, it was knowledge that even though i should not be throwing knives, Adrik had taught me to react quickly to stop possible accidents.

Maybe the person wasn't trying to kill me.

But then why do it?

''Go see what you can find then meet me back at mines''

Rhiannon gave a small mock salute though i could see the fire in her eyes, she was taking this serious despite how she was acting her normal self, she was going to get to the bottom of this even if she found anything and it didn't connect to anyone.

I watched her head back towards the area that had not long been just a simple night of fun before letting out a small sigh and heading back to my camper.

When i got there a few moment's later i allowed my body to flop down on the seating area staring at the ceiling allowing my mind to wander over everything that's happened so far. The loss of Adrik, these fourteen new men, a special guest, Volto and now someone trying to hurt me.

I let out a deep sigh, my mind running at a hundred miles per second as i closed my eyes quietly humming a tune to help calm my mind, this was how i found my peace when my mind was going on overdrive, how i helped calm myself.

''I think i should become a detective, be the new more awesomer Sherlock Holmes''

My eyes snapped open my heart skipping at beat at the sudden voice of Rhiannon, i hadn't even heard her enter.

''That....was quick''

I muttered shaking my head

''Its been like twenty minutes''

I was shocked at this, it had only felt like mere minutes.

''Did you find anything''

''I found a stone''

I looked at her my face clearing asking 'are you serious?'

''A stone?''

I repeated her words just to make sure i heard her correctly to which she nodded.

Did she bang her head while out there?

''I don't see how a stone is important''

I watched her roll her eyes before she  moved her hand indicating she was about to throw something at me to which i caught effortlessly. I had felt the difference as soon as i caught it in my hand, unlike a normal stone i could tell instantly this was much smoother. Glancing down at the stone that was just smaller than the palm of my hand but weighed a fair amount, i noticed the smooth blackness and how the outer area seemed rather sharp.

''What the....''

I muttered feeling Rhiannon's body sit beside me.

''I almost didn't notice it and would have missed the damn thing if it hadn't cut my flipping hand''

I glanced towards the hand she had almost shoved under my face noticing the large cut on her palm, thankfully it didn't seem deep.

''And then when i was examining it i noticed something suspicious....turn it around''

I raised my eyebrow at her words before doing as she said my mind already forming how this almost palm sized smooth yet sharp marble like item could have caused Raven to be distracted but when i turned it over i knew for certain this was what had been used and also knew instantly who had caused this my anger rising as i stared at the large 'V' engraved on it.


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