She's Mine

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A/N Here's a little treat for you all! Volto's POV!!!

Volto's POV


I yelled in the almost empty old room as my fist slammed into the mirror in front of me causing the glass to smash underneath before falling to the hard concrete floor below, shattering into more piece's. It was one of the few item's that decorated this specific room and due to the idiot that was currently tied to the chair behind me, i would now have to replace it.


The man's breathless voice held humour causing me to turn towards him as i took in his badly injured body before my attention was torn away by the sudden pain pulsing from my hand. Bringing it up to my face i became fixated on the red liquid that started to flow down my pale hand before disappearing under my sleeves.

I hadn't even realised i had hurt myself but considering i had used it to shatter a mirror i shouldn't be surprised to be wounded. It was rare for such an outburst, even rarer for me to hurt myself because of it, i didn't get hurt often so i couldn't help the fixation me own blood caused me.


My attention is snapped away from my hand as i glare at the male in front of me, anger pulsing through my veins again before i connected my wounded hand with his face causing my blood now to smear his swollen cheek.

Academy scum

I only kept him alive to try and gain information, but he was proving to be quite difficult, something that didn't agitate me usually but after tonight, everything was going to set me off.

I knew she wouldn't have been in danger, i had watched her long enough to know she would have handled a simple blade but what had me angry enough to wound my hand on broken glass was the fact she was still with those Academy men. I had been sure having the Russian screw up would have her distrusting them, but that hadn't been what had happened.

She was mine!

They shouldn't be near her, she belonged to me and they were trying to take what was rightfully his,I had found her first....she belonged to me! and yet those Academy scum were slowly working their way into her life.

I knew that they had discovered she was, as they referred to it, a Ghost,it would only be a matter of time before they learned more about her.

Only a matter of time before they would also find her.

Time i thought i had seemed to have gone up in flames, soon they would arrive, soon he would realise who she was, then they will know.

I can't let them take her, she's mine!

This wasn't how i had planned things but ever since i found out about Adrik and his involvement with the Academy my fool proof plan fell apart. Adrik had been a major hurdle but I had managed to dispose of him, that should have made this all easier but he had been a step ahead if me,gotten other Academy members involved.


I growled towards the Academy member i currently had in my possession, i don't know why i still kept him alive, he wasn't talking, i doubt he ever will. I grabbed the knife i had earlier placed on the old wooden side table in anger as i marched towards him placing the knife tightly to his neck ready to end his miserable life before i froze.

I saw it in his eyes, his willingness to die right now, had i not seen his eyes i would have hastily killed him then and there in my rage but his eyes stopped me, a smile forming on my lips.

''Oh....naughty naughty''

I muttered towards him as i pulled myself backwards the room filling with my laughter as i realised how i almost lost my only hope of a workable plan, a plan he had already figured i would think off, that's why he was willing to die, so that i couldn't use such a plan.

He may not be willing to give me information but he would be useful for other things, he was leverage now, if those around my delicate bird stopped me from caging her, he would be my trading card, after all the Academy wouldn't allow one of their own to die,surely they weren't attached to her enough to risk loosing one of their own?

I glanced down at the blade staring into the slight reflection that reflected back as i watched a cruel smile grace the reflections lips.

Soon, soon she'll be with me, where she belongs.

Cirque Du AcademyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora