Sang Is Ours

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A/N I figured since you all are so awesome you deserved 2 chapters! 

Brandon's POV

Usually i would love having a beautiful woman in my arms as we lay in bed but under the current circumstances, i wish it currently wasn't the case.

I had ran up to Sang alongside Sean and after she spoke about killing Adrik and Sean tried to get her focus to see if she was hurt i had taken her hand mainly to stop her from continuing to dig her nails into her palms but for comfort and when we had agreed she wasn't harmed but seemed to be in some sort of mental shock we agreed to move her back here, i was all set for allowing another of my brother's to taking her after all i had been around her the least but when i went to move my hands she simply gripped tighter refusing to allow my to let go.

I had positioned her next to me on her side as i continued holding her hands as well as using my other hand to softly rub her back as i mumbled under my breath for her to come back from wherever she had went in her mind.

''I saw you dodge that crazy ass Russians knifes, whatever that bastard Volto said to have you retreat so far back in that mind of yours is nothing for a kick ass like you''

I cringed at my words, yes they were true but it didn't sound natural from me, i wasn't the comforting type, that was my brother though i had experience in what she was currently going through.

Though i have no idea what had happened to make her retreat mentally it was something i was familiar with having done so myself many times, whatever Volto had done or said had hurt so bad she felt the only safety was to retreat away from it all.

I closed my eyes softly as i continued to rub her back soothingly.

''I know it feels good being numb back there but trust me, it doesn't help, you may be numb but you are still hurting...''

I whispered softly as i continued to think of ways to in sense 'coax' her back out, for me if i go through a trigger that causes me to mentally retreat or start to my brothers would drag me to my workshop, fixing cars had been my safe place, but i had no idea what Sang's was.

Do i throw a knife at her? that's a terrible idea

She's good with those rope would i even work that?

There's always....

My body tensed at my thoughts trail of thoughts.


Sang did seem to let go emotionally when she was lost in song but i knew nothing about singing, what songs would i even sing to her?

I was almost ready to call Gabe in to get him to attempt when an old memory hit me, my mother had always sang a song to me and Corey every night, it was her way to chase away the nightmares she knew would consume us because of that man.

Maybe it could help Sang.

I began humming the melody i remembered well as my memories flashed through me as i tried to recall the lyrics.

''Cast away your worries, my dear...''

It's fine to use this lullaby right? I know it was my mums lullaby to me but it was the only song i knew that didn't mention shit sang should not have to hear.

''Hold to me, you've nothing to fear

For your dreams are not far away

As you lay your head and you rest

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