My Sweet Bird

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A/N Sorry the chapter is slightly shorter than usual but yaaaaay update!!

Sang's POV

Volto had caused this.


Just what did this man want?

I need to tell my men now

I didn't linger on the fact my mind once again referred to them as mine as the moment it had registered in me that the one behind me and Raven's almost fatal performance i knew i had to inform the boy's straight away and without a second word to Rhiannon i rushed towards my caravan door stopping for a moment to quickly turn to Rhiannon.

''Thank you for finding this''

I added quickly send her a smile of gratitude.

''Wait! what is going o....''

I didn't stay to listen to Rhiannon's question and began heading back in the direction of the boy's caravan the sound of The Gathering in the distance filling the atmosphere faintly as i stopped running knowing it would attract attention if anyone was nearby, and due to what happened the next few moment's i was glad i had done so.

Just as i had slowed down to a walk and began to catch my breathe the sound of familiar voices i did not want to be involved with filled my ears giving me just a few seconds to backtrack a few feet and hide behind a caravan that had more rust than caravan.

''....Just get the fucking supply in''

Greggs angry voice loud enough for me to hear as they came to a stop near where i was currently hiding.

Don't walk by, don't walk by

I repeated this in my head as i saw the shadows and knew they were not far from where i was, just a few more steps and they could notice me, thankfully though for now they had came to stop.

Needa get away from here.

I didn't want to have to deal with Volto after the whole performance incident and began soundlessly moving along the back of the caravan to get round the other side when i stopped in my tracks.

''Remember who you answer to boy!''

Mr McCoys cold voice sent a child down my spine but that wasn't what had me stop, it was the fact that Mr McCoy was here...with Gregg in the first place.

''Yeah well remember who get's shit done here''

Gregg snapped back as i widened my eyes, was he really going to walk back to Mr McCoy? did he want a beating?

''Watch it, i can easily find another fucker like you, i don't know what Hendrick's see's in you but if it wasn't for him i would have you fucking whipped for your attitude''

I heard Gregg scoff at Mr McCoy's words but i was more in shock at how much he seemed to be getting away with especially with how he spoke to Mr McCoy, if any of us did that we might as well just write our will at the same time, what did Mr Hendricks see in Gregg that he no longer feared Mr McCoy.

''We have a huge buyer coming by next week and i need to know i will have the enough for a hefty sale''

Gregg added as i heard him spit.

Didn't his mama ever teach him spitting was gross?

''Yeah if Hendrick's doesn't fuck it up, i told him i should be in charge of making sure that bitch Songbird trained and performs her best, the buyer was adamant of seeing her perform and i don't need her fucking up and ruining such a huge deal''

The performance i was going to be doing was for their buyer?

''Who the fuck is this guy anyway?''

If it wasn't for the shadows my eyes had stayed on while i listened to the conversation i would have no doubt been caught but as soon as my eyes noticed the movement i quickly turned my body around the side of the caravan thankful i had stopped right at the end of the back as McCoy and Gregg began walking forward.

''Someone we apparently don't want to piss off, he's in with the maf.....''

Their voices began to fade off as the continued on walking and as much as i knew it was not a good idea, i moved forward to begin following them so i could gather more information to pass onto my men.

Why do i keep saying my men? They're not it because i've taken responsibility for them? yeah that must be it.

I was going to deal with that issue later, right now i had a mission.

Just as i stepped forward to continue my spy missing i suddenly gasp a scream ready to escape my lips only to be silenced by a cold leather glove as a thick arm went around my waist and pulled me backwards my body flushing up against my capturer as they leaned against the caravan i had moments ago been hiding about.

How had i not heard anyone move around me?

It was then my nose was assaulted by the scent of copper and dust and a sensation i had recently only came across filled me did i know before they spoke who it was.

''Hello again my sweet bird''

Fear gripped my body like i had the last time, the fear of being helpless as they held me tightly against them, the fear of the danger in his distorted voice, the fear of what the man could do to me.


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