Ultimate Coffee

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A/N Sorry this is a short chapter! i wanted to do a few chapters to make up for being away so long but hopefully you still enjoy it!

North's POV

If you had told me last night after everything that happened, first with Sang and then that Will boy, that i would wake up to a beautiful girl cuddled into me and a pink and purple cover over us i would have laughed my arse off and asked what drugs you were on, and yet that's exactly what happened.

I had woken up about ten minutes ago stiff as fuck wondering what the hell happened, confused why i had fallen asleep outside and had a girly as shit cover over me but then my eyes fell on the small blonde who was cuddled up next to me a peaceful look on her face and my heart simply melted at the sight.

I sound like a fucking softie

I couldn't help but watch her, there was so much mystery resolving around this little bird and yet i wanted to protect her from everything and have her by my...no our side, i don't know why but i knew despite the differences we've faced with her she was it for us.

But i was worried, Wil knew of the Academy, it seemed that Adrik was somehow involved with the Academy, Wil knew our code, Sang had once mentioned how Family was choice, that isn't what worried me, what worried me was Wil had thought we had were here to help her, to take her away from here, she didn't seem to have the same knowledge as Wil did involving the Academy, i feel like she would have already mentioned it if she had, so it raised a lot of questions.

If Adrik was connected to the Academy why did he tell Wil but not Sang? why did they want the Academy to take her? was she somehow involved in what was happening?

No...i refuse to believe that.

Wil had ran off yesterday after he had slipped up and gave us Sang's last name, Victor and Corey will be able to find out all about her soon and will clear everything up.

My body suddenly froze as a small moan escaped Sang baby's lips as her eyes started to flutter open, her eyes bright with  confusion no doubt matching how mine looked when i came too, before she suddenly bolted away from me as though i had electrocuted her.


She muttered under her breath looking around her before rubbing her eyes.

''I guess we both fell asleep''

I muttered though i knew my face currently held a frown at the sudden reaction to waking up next to me.

Hopefully that will be the first and last time she responds that way.


She still sounded half asleep and despite rubbing her eyes she still looked slightly dazed almost like Luke did before he went into a damn daydream or how Marc was before his morning coffee.

As i sat watching Sang who's body began to move towards the ladder i had used to get up last night as though it was on pilot mode and i rushed over fearing she would fall of the fucking roof. She didn't fight me as i expected when i snatched her up in my arms safely securing her in my arms as i made our way down the ladders, placing Sang down as we reached the bottom and watching as her body continued to work on autopilot as she headed back into her trailer as i followed behind curious at what she was doing and amused at how she seemed to act in the morning.

I watched as she moved around the outdated worn out caravan, i didn't like that she lived in such a place, she deserved a proper home, a home filled with things that weren't hanging off its last legs/

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