She's A....

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Brandon's POV

If you told me a few days ago not only would Owen be performing in front of a group of strangers but would be smiling like a fool for a few moments afterwards i'd have had Sean drug test you, and yet that's exactly what was happening and a quick glances to my brothers showed i wasn't the only one in shock at what just went down.

There's something about Sang that just seemed to call out to us, she was able to see the things we tried to hide from the world,from each other, she had a way of just making us willingly open up to her, to have us wanting to change for the better, hell she even had Nathan admit to us about not being able to control his anger, to wanting to finally reach out professional help.

At first i was weary of her due to past experiences and when i saw my brother's slowly fall for her i feared the worst especially because the type of relationship we wanted and yet now i was filled with hope, if anyone would accept what we wanted in a relationship i just knew it would be her.

''Pookie really is something''

Sean whispered beside me and i mutely nodded in agreement before noticing Sang and Owen heading our way as a group of several individuals took centre but my focus was one the small blonde beauty.

''You's just keep surprising me''

Sang said a little breathless before letting out a small giggle.

No, you're the one that keep's surprising us.

''Was a beautiful song, Angel''

Silas said coming to her side and placing his gigantic arm around her shoulders causing a slight blush to appear on her cheeks.

''I'm so proud of you Owie''

Sean said pretending to wipe tears from his eyes as he placed his other hand on his chest

''My Owie is growing up''

I and a few others let out a laugh at Sean's words as Owen frowned at him.


Sang asked a small glint in her eyes as she glanced up at Owen and i knew she was saving that nickname for another day, something Owen seemed to realise as well which caused his frown at Sean to turn to a glare.

''Oh Raven!''

Sang yelled her attention focused fully on the Russian who currently had a worried Corey almost crushed to his chest, he didn't show the worry on his face but i could tell,we were twins after all . I felt the hair's on my arms raise as worry took over my body at knowing Corey was worried, had something happened?

''Yes, Little Kitten?''

The Russian asked 

''I need you for something''

I glanced towards Sang at her words the mischievousness almost glowing off her causing me and no doubt some of the other to raise an eyebrow in question.

What is she up to?


I heard the Russian ask his voice filled with confusion.

''Professional Russian something''

Sang simply replied critically 

''Come with me?''

She asked with a small smirk.

''Care to elaborate Miss Sang?''

Owen asked to which Sang simply looked everywhere but him as Raven moved towards her and i could see in his amused smirk he somehow knew what she was plotting.

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