I'm In Charge

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A/N I'M BAAAAAACK!! did you miss me? i'm sorry it took so long for an actual update but as i informed you's i sadly dislocated and chipped my wrist twice int he space of two weeks and that took lot of healing then suddenly we had to find a new house and then blah blah blah you get it, but i'm here and i promise not to leave you hanging, so please call off your assassins, there's no need to hunt me down and hold me at gun point, anyway...back to the story!

Sang's POV

Minute's had went by after Raven's words without anyone saying another word, seriously despite 15 people being in this trailer, a pin dropping would be heard by all.

Crap, i must have said too much...wait a moment.

''We seem to have gone off track...you learned my story...''

Well part of it anyway.

I spoke clearing my throat first to gain the attention of all 14 men.

''What exactly are you lot doing here?''

I felt my right eyebrow raise as my eyes focused on the two men who were obviously in charge of....whatever kind of group these men were part off.

''Miss Sang i'm sure you have many question's we will answer what we can but there will be alot of things we can not tell...''

I suddenly raised my hand in the universal signal for stop and by the way Owen's lips had twitched ever so slightly i knew then and there this man was not used to such things and no doubt was frustrated even if his emotionless mask hid it.

''Imma just stop you right there''

I stated calmly, like hell was i going to be the only one that had to be completely truthful.

''This is how it's going to work, you want my help? you have to be completely honest, i don't care about whatever rules you have in these situations but the way i see it...i can easily out you all, i can have every single one of you thrown out of here before you can mutter the word Circus...''


The Russian beside me muttered quickly a large grin on his face as his eyes turned to me

''Now you not throw me out as i said the word''

I rolled my eyes at the Russian not even explaining that's not how i meant it, i would not be side tracked from my current mission.

''I need your help...and if you hope to get anywhere on whatever reason you are here for then you need my help aswel, right now trust is a big factor and for me to trust you guys you need to be open with me about everything from the start''

I was glad at how strong my voice sounded with my words despite the fact i was a nervous wreck on the inside, i would never out these people, unless they turned out to be dangerous, god know's what would happen to them but they didn't need to know that, i needed them to be honest with them and if using threats i would never follow through with was the only way to get the full truth then so be it.

I watched as Owen glanced to Axel who unlike Owen was frowning, his eyes slightly shining with anger at my words and from a the tension i felt in the air many of the others no doubt mirrored his look.

''How can we trust you when you just flat out threatened us?''

Owen asked his voice stern his eyes calculating as he kept his eyes completely on me, it was unnerving, as though he could tell exactly what i was planning and thinking, that any type of movement will tell him what he needed to know.

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