21: Harry

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Leaving Spencer's yesterday, I was beyond proud of Astra. She actually opened up and talked about what happened to her.

It was nice knowing that I didn't have to hide what happened to her. I didn't want to spring the truth onto her. I knew she couldn't handle it.

When I found Astra, I knew she needed to be apart of The Allegiance. Asher kept telling me to find his little sister, and I had been trying for a year.

It was hard trying to trace her. Asher didn't even know her name. The only thing he knew was her age. He said there was a 5 year age difference between them.

Right before Margaret adopted us, Asher got a picture his family. His parents didn't offer much. Most of their childhood, when they were with their parents, was in a crack or whorehouse.

His mother- Leanne- did everything she could to keep her children. She was just a victim to addiction. I know, a victim to addiction isn't something you hear everyday, but I believe she was.

From what Asher remembered and told me, she truly wanted to do better. She wanted a better life for the two of them, but the second she'd take a step forward, she'd relapse and take twenty steps backwards.

I stared at the family photo of little Asher, and the mystery girl for what seemed like years. I tried to morph her to her current age, but I failed desperately.

I went berserk at Central trying to figure out if she was apart of The Allegiance. I searched through thousands of pictures trying to see any resemblance to the little girl in the photo.

I had a few candidates, but they weren't her. They were hot. I fucked them. Just not Asher's little sister.
I searched files for hours until Margaret finally came over to me.

"Whatcha looking for?" She inquired, snooping.

"Nothing," I shut a file in my hands.

She shook her head, "Why do you always have to lie to me? Who are you looking for?"

"Asher's little sister," I confessed.

Margaret didn't seem as surprised as I thought she would be. She sat down on the bench beside me, "I think I've found her."

My eyes immediately raised to hers, "What do you mean?"

She laughed, "Do you think I'm stupid?" I didn't understand what she was trying to say, "I knew you were up to something, and I know I'm better than you when it comes to finding people."

She stood up and went to a file cabinet that I hadn't looked in. There was a finger print lock on it, so I wouldn't have gotten into it anyways.

She rummaged through the files until she finally pulled out a black file. The file itself was locked. I had never seen a file like that.

She unlocked it with a code and came to sit by me. The file was quite minimal. Then I saw it:

Astra Fox
Scorpion as of July 10, 2022

I was disgusted when I read she didn't belong to us. I didn't like the idea of bringing in a Scorpion just because we wanted to.

Later that day, I went to Asher's and showed him the latest picture we had on file of her. The tears pooled in his eyes when he saw the picture.

"That's her, Harry," he sobbed, leaning over and hugging me, "You found her."

I awkwardly hugged back. That was the second time that Asher ever hugged me. The first time was when he saved me from an asshole when I was 8. I wouldn't stop crying, so he just hugged me.

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