30: Astra

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I handed Caspian tissue for the tenth time tonight. It was three in the morning. I let her vent for the past three hours, and she still wasn't asleep.

"I just hope she's okay," she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry into my chest.

"If I know her at all, she'll be fine," I whisper to Caspian as she picked her head up.

"I'm sorry," she briefly laughed, "I've been a mess since I heard about the news. She's my best friend. I need her."

"It's okay," I reassured her.

We both stared at the door. Someone was trying to get in, but I locked it. I got up and unlocked the door then opened it. Harry was on the other side half asleep.

He rubbed his eyes and scratched his stomach. I looked back to Caspian. She was looking at Harry.

"What's up?" I whispered as he pulled his hands away from his body and put them on mine.

"Can't sleep without you," he mumbled, "Kai suggested I cuddle with him, but it isn't the same. His body's too big."

I laughed before turning to Caspian, "Is it alright if Harry crashes our sleepover?"

"I'll just get out of your hair," she grabbed her things, but I stopped her.

"You're not bothering us," I told her, "You can sleep in here with us. Harry and I don't use much of the bed."

I waved Harry over to the bed. He pressed a button beside the door, and the bed began to shake. What the actual fuck?

Another king size bed came out from my side of the bed. Of course, he has a bed attachment. I handed the remote to Caspian as Harry sat on the new bed.

"Baby," he whined with his arms out. It was adorable. His little grabby hands were like a child's, "Come here. I'm sleepy."

"Go ahead," Caspian insisted, "I'm getting sleepy too from all this crying."

I scooted to the other bed and lay down with Harry. He immediately collapsed on top of me. One arm was enclosing my body while the other was underneath me. His head rested on my chest, and within seconds, he was knocked out.

"He loves you," Caspian whispered to me, "I've never seen him act like this about someone. Do you love him?"

"I've been thinking about that," I admitted, "I know I really like him."

Caspian chuckled, "Why're you so hesitant to love him? He's already proved that he would do anything for you. What else do you need to know?"

I looked down at the sleeping Harry on top of me and ran my hand through his dark brown hair. I do love him. I'm just scared to admit it.

"I don't know," I lied, "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Cas."

"Night, Ash."


"What am I supposed to wear?" I groaned, looking through my closet.

Caspian said tonight was the annual Halloween party for The Allegiance. I had nothing that could resemble a costume.

Caspian was helping me find something because the boys all wanted to play Call of Duty all day. Harry woke up before I did and never looked back.

"I have no idea what you could be," Caspian admitted.
My eyebrow raised, "You know what, I might have an idea." I rummaged through Harry's shit until an idea hit me. I could be a cheerleader

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