35: Astra

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"Just sit down," Asher pleaded with me. I was not trying to listen to him. I wanted Harry.

"Where is Harry?" I asked for the millionth time.

"Sit down," Asher ordered, grabbing my forearm. I reacted harshly, yanking my arm away from him and shoving him away from me. Asher was surprised by my reaction.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me," I seethed, straightening out my shirt, "I can control myself. I just want my question answered."

Asher shook his head as he exhaled deeply. "You're acting like a psychopath."

"I'll show you a fucking psychopath," I whispered to myself before I pushed him against the wall. I used the act of surprise to my advantage. His eyes widened, and before he could react, I had my knee in the perfect place to do some damage. "Watch your fucking mouth. Tell me where Harry is!"

Harry's thick British accent boomed through the door, and I jumped back. "I'm right here. Please don't kill your brother."

I rolled my eyes as I finally let go of Asher and walked to Harry. He had his arms opened for me. I savored his embrace for a second before an overwhelming stench hit me.

I pulled my head back in disgust, and his face contorted in confusion, "What is it?"

"It smells rancid," I took my hand away from him and plugged my nose.

"It's the blood," he realized.

"Who's blood?"

He looked at me for a second as if he was trying to figure something out. I bucked my eyes in hopes he'd finally give me an answer. "Do you not remember?"

"Remember what, Harry?"

"C3." He said, looking for a reaction, "Iver?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I admitted, my annoyance growing stronger and stronger.

"Let's just go home okay?" Harry asked me, and I nodded.

"Let me talk to Asher," he pushed me aside to go into Asher's room. I hadn't even realized he slipped out of the room. I took a seat on his couch. I kind of felt bad. I did almost kick my brother in the balls. That's not okay in any regards.

I got up and tiptoed to the room Harry walked into. I could hear their conversation, but I didn't care to evaluate it.

"I'm sorry," I spoke up, catching both of their attention.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Not talking to you, Styles. I'm talking to Asher," I clarified, "I didn't mean to snap on you like that."

"It's okay, little sis," he assured me, "I shouldn't have grabbed you."

Harry's head snapped to Asher, "You put your hands on her?" The anger in his voice was alarming.

"It wasn't that big of a deal." I made my way closer to Harry. He had that murderous look in his eyes just like the one he had on my second day in The Allegiance. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was so scared he was going to shoot both of us.

"She's that much of a trigger for you?" Asher questioned Harry. "You need to get that under control."

"Don't tell me what to do, Kates," Harry said through gritted teeth. He grabbed my hand and pulled us out of the room.

"Sorry again!" I yelled down the hall as Harry opened the door, "Bye Asher."

"We're going home," Harry informed me while he held my door open. He slammed it after I got in. The force slightly surprised me.

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