12: Astra

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The rumbling of someone beneath me woke me up. I was lying on top of Harry while he was laughing at something on his tv.

I lazily opened my eyes to see Kevin Hart on the tv. It all make sense. That's why he was laughing.

His laughter died down once he realized he woke me up, "Good morning, Ash."

I lifted my head off of his and felt the slight twinge of pain from my head, which was expected. I felt another twinge of pain coming from my downstairs area.

Oh my God. I fucked Harry.

I quickly got up from his bed and went into his bathroom. If there was anymore confirmation of our sexual encounter, it was solidified with my body. I had purple bruises littered all over my body.

My hands smoothed over the hickeys. I was honestly in shock. How the hell did I let it get that far? The simple question probed the flashbacks.

The minute he unlocked the door I couldn't help myself. I pushed my body against his and connect our lips. The kiss was slow and passionate until Harry pulled away.

"What are you doing, Ash?"

"Um," I bit my lower lip, "What I want?"

The events played through my head like I was watching a movie. I actually initiated the whole interaction.

I let out a loud groan before returning to Harry's room. He seemed enthralled by whatever was on his phone. He quickly removed his gaze from his phone and connected our eyes. They seemed to hold the entire world in them.

I quickly looked away and walked out of his room. I walked into my room and locked my door. I could hear his footsteps outside my door.

The doorknob wiggled but didn't unlock. I heard him utter something before walking away. I collapsed on the bed I rarely slept on.

I was so disappointed in myself. I told myself I wasn't going to get attached to him. I wanted to go back home. I wanted to go back to October.

The tears rolled down my face like water running downstream. I missed October so much. I missed our banter. I missed holding him. I missed pissing him off.

I was so far into my own head that I drifted off and fell asleep.


When I opened my eyes, it was still morning. I guess I hadn't slept that long. I could hear Harry singing a song. He has such a beautiful voice.

Once I recognized the song, I could feel a vault in my brain unlock. A series of suppressed memories reared their ugly heads.

The room was dark. It was oddly humid in the room. I made sure to add a tick on the wall next to me whenever I felt like a day had past.

It had been so long since I'd seen daylight. Whoever had me would always make sure to bring in my food and water when I was asleep.

They were using my lack of light as a torture tactic. I had tried for days, weeks, months. Hell I don't even know. I didn't want to give it to the crazy, but it was getting hard.

Sometimes, I'd see pulsating dots of color. Other times, I'd see an animal. I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn't my reality.

Then I heard it. Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi.

I could hear someone humming it from the other side of my door. I heard the rustling of some metals, and the door finally opened.

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