37: Niall

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"I need you guys to pay close attention," I told my troops, "Where is Caspian's legion?"

We all turned our heads and looked to the trees behind us. I shook my head in annoyance. She always does this kind of stuff. She's always falling behind. I've been trying to tell her that it's going to bite her in the ass one day.

"Don't even start with me," Caspian groaned as she got closer to me, but she quickly cut herself off when she heard a loud bang, "What was that?"

"I think it was a gunshot," Louis- a soldier in my legion- said.

"Caspian take the left side," I instructed, grabbing my gun, "As for my people, we're going directly to the source of the sound. Have your guns up and ready to shoot."

They all nodded back to me, and we set forward towards the noise. Through the green bushes, I could see the house they were supposed to meet at.

"Harry!" Astra shrieked.

My heart dropped as I heard the sheer panic in her voice. My legion was murmuring amongst themselves. I knew they all assumed the worst, so I did.

Without thinking twice, I emerged from the bushes. I ignored the men's voices asking me what I was doing. I be damned if I just sat by while my friend was getting killed.

I hoisted my gun up and looked through my scope. October was shooting at the men in the warehouse while Astra was desperately trying to drag Harry's body behind the car.

I pulled my gun down and sprinted towards Astra. Her tear filled eyes shot themselves at me. A slight look of relief came over her face as I helped her pull Harry's body.

"They shot him," she hysterically cried as we finally got him behind the car.

"Put his body into the car," I told her, grabbing my gun once again, "I'll get Pandora back. I need the two of you to get back into The Allegiance."

"I can't leave you guys," she disagreed, "I want to fight for The Allegiance."

I smiled lightly at her, "You're crying too much, and quite frankly, you can't aim well if you can't see through the tears."

My sly comment got the reaction I wanted. Her lips tugged upwards in a small smile. I looked down at Harry's body quickly.

He had three shots to his torso, but somehow he wasn't completely knocked out. He was gurgling which was a good thing.

I bent down to level with Harry's body. Astra watched my carefully as I put my hand over one of his wounds, "I'll make sure they pay for this."

I forced myself to get up even though I wanted to help my best friend, "Take this car to Point A."

Astra nodded before opening the door to the backseat. I glanced at the two of them one last time before I pulled my gun up and shot into the warehouse.

My legion had caught on to what I was doing. I knew Louis would instruct them to come help, and they were clearing them out with no problem.

I slowly made my way towards October. I quickly switched my weapon to a hunting knife I've had for years. I grabbed October and held the knife flush against his neck.

"What the fuck?" October struggled against me, but he couldn't get anywhere.

"I'll fucking kill you," I muttered, "Trying to set my people up. I'll have your head on a goddamn stake."

Just as I was about to press the knife into the skin of his neck, I felt a bullet graze my lower leg. I instantly let go of October's body and turned to see where the bullet came from.

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