47: Pandora

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I stared at the light purple walls of my room for about ten minutes after I woke up. I was still trying to process what everything that had happened.

Last night, my scorpion phone went off. I nearly lost it when it rang because I forgot what it sounded like. I was expecting to hear my husband- October, but I was pleasantly surprised when I heard my brother, Cypress.

"Did I call you at a bad time?"

"No," I sighed, "I was just lying down about to go to bed. Why'd you call?"

"You asked me to search into Cobra, and I think I've found something," Cypress said, "Cobra isn't real."

"Excuse me," I said in pure disbelief.

"I did some looking around his house, and no one was there except October."

"Wait. You're telling me Cobra isn't fucking real? I'm so confused," I said, pressing the palm of my hand onto my forehead.

"Trust me, you're not the only one, but there is more," Cypress began, "I decided to stake out the house until October came back. I listened to him talk to someone, and a different voice answered."

"Cyp," I said, "You're making no sense. If Cobra doesn't exist, who is he talking to then?"

"You didn't let me finish, bitch," Cypress retaliated, "I got closer to the glass, and finally saw what was going on. I think October has DID."

"What the hell is DID?"

Cypress began to answer, but someone walked into my room. I quickly shoved the phone underneath my body and focused on the person in front of me.

"Couldn't sleep," Caspian groaned, "I wanted to come lay with you."

Normally, I'd tell her to fuck off, but she might've seen me on my scorpion phone. I have to keep her close, so I opened arms for her. She fell right into them.

Her icy blonde hair was sprawled all over my tan skin. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Caspian finally spoke up, "I can't wait until we take over Scorpion territory. Then we can finally be together and start our lives."

I wanted to throw up at the idea of that, but i hummed in approval to keep the leave or so I thought.

She shot up and glared at me. Although it was dark, I could easily see the harshness within her face. "Do you love me?"

I wouldn't say love. I barely can stand you.

"Yes," I muttered.

"Please don't be playing me."

Only if you knew

"I'm not Caspian," I said, grabbing her arms and bringing her towards me, "You're the love of my life, but you know how I am. Can we just talk about this in the morning."

Caspian rolled her eyes and got up before scoffing, "You don't deserve my love."

Once she left the room, I grabbed my phone once again and dialed my brother's number.

"Back to our conversation, what's DID?" I asked.

"Dissociative Identity Disorder. To put it in simple terms, he has multiple personalities."

"There's no way," I laughed, "I'm married to him. I've spent years with him, and I haven't seen anything."

"Yes you have, Adelyn. Remember when you told me about the time Astra came to you saying that Daddy is now Brian."

"She was just a baby then," I dismissed his story, "Kids mix stuff up all the time."

"You're in denial, Cypress. Come see for yourself. Your man is crazy."

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this information? My husband made this whole fucking empire while he was in some sort of psychosis!"

Cypress sighed into the phone, "It's not psychosis, Adelyn. Unscramble his name like yours."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Your Allegiance name is Pandora Lyles, but your true Scorpion name is Adelyn Parols. Scramble the letters of his name."

I turned to my nightstand and riffled through it until I found a notepad. I scribbled down my husbands name on the paper.

October Ray
Cobra Toyer

My eyes scanned the paper one more time to make sure I wasn't crazy, but it was there. The letters practically arranged themselves.

October Ray is Cobra Toyer.

"Why would he not tell me?" I asked, feeling the anger bubble within me.

"I don't know, Adelyn. The only thing I know is I'm sick of this two powerhouse shindig. There needs to be one overall dictatorship."

I nodded and responded by saying, "I'm sick of being in The Allegiance, and now that I know who Cobra is, I'm done listening to him."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yes, I have to kill my husband."

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