34: Pandora

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I can't remember anything if I'm being honest. I didn't even know where I was until I finally saw the Scorpion emblem on my monitor.

I was in a hospital room. Then, I started to remember. Only in flashes though. I remember talking to Astra. I remember hearing the shots.

I didn't really panic though. I knew what was happening, but I didn't expect to get hurt this badly.

"You get Astra," Iver instructed Gage. He pulled opened the door and pulled me out by my arm. He lowered his voice before saying "I'm sorry, Mrs. Toyer."

"How many times have I told you?" I groaned as he threw me over his shoulder, "I like my maiden name better. It's Mrs. Parols."

He apologized again before strapping me into the car. Although I was in immense pain, I was beyond excited.

I've been in The Allegiance for two and a half years now. I haven't seen my husband in so long. I almost forgot what he looked like. Well, that was until Astra. My husband and I talked almost everyday, but there's nothing like being in the arms of you lover.

I looked at Astra's unconscious body. I almost felt bad, but I knew she would be fine. This was all apart of the plan. I was going to get "kidnapped" by the Scorpions, and Iver was going to have his time with Astra.

I feel bad for Iver though. I don't think he knows that he's just a cog in the machine. We're going to let him get captured by The Allegiance. He was expendable anyways, so this wasn't a big loss.

My husband has been devising this plan for months now. He said that he missed me too much, and our old wedding photos weren't doing it for him anymore. Not to mention, my baby girl was missing her momma.

I now understood why October wanted to name her Astra. Of course. It was just like him to project his feelings onto our daughter.

"Ma'am," Iver spoke to me, looking at me through his mirror, "I have to put you in this warehouse, so Astra believes that you were taken."

"Seriously," I scoffed, "Can you give me a pill of some sort? I'm not going to be able to pull this off.

Gage searched through the car until he handed me a little yellow pill. I examined the pill after he handed it to me. It was a generic muscle relaxant.

Always gotta check, people love lacing drugs nowadays.

I threw the pill in my mouth and swallowed it. Usually, I'd need some sort of liquid to help me, but for some reason, I didn't this time.

"Oh and Iver, what you did infront of Astra earlier today," I referred to his lovey dovey actions, "Was perfect."I heard him thank me before I finally drifted off.

So, that's what happened, huh? It's crazy how you mind can block out something, but a single memory can trigger thousands.

My eyes shot to the door as it opened, but I quickly relaxed. This was my territory. Loo and behold, it was my lovely husband.

"Your hair is so much longer," I said in shock as he happily made his way over to me "And it's brown."

"Yeah," he laughed, grabbing my hand, "I got sick of the blonde. Too much upkeep."

"Don't be shy," I pulled him towards me, "I'm your wife for godsakes! You haven't seen me in two years!"

"Almost three," he corrected before engulfing me in his arms.

"This is more like it," I joked while my face was still buried in his neck. I let him relax a good bit before I gut punched him. He reeled back as I sat up straighter, "That's where her name comes from?"

October was completely caught off guard as he held his stomach, "Who's name?"

"Our daughter," I reiterated, "You're still in love with Astra!"

October rolled his eyes in frustration while still holding his stomach, "It's barely been five minutes, and we're already arguing."

I dramatically threw my hands in the air, "I mean I just figured out why you were so adamant to name our daughter Astra!"

"Can we please not do this right now?" He pleaded with me, "We don't have much time together."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

October sighed deeply before responding, "Cobra's ordered for your return to The Allegiance."

I shook my head immediately, "I'm not going back in there! They have Iver. There's only a matter of time before he rats me out. That's basically a suicide mission."

October was visibly distressed. He was tracing the ink on his hands. "I can't deny his orders."

"Fuck him!" I spat, "I'm going to give that son off a bitch a piece of my mind."

Before I could get up, October had already whipped out a pair of cuffs. He held them up as he slowly made his was over to me. "I love you, Adelyn. Please don't make me use these. You have been chosen to do a Scorpion service, and you know the punishment you will get if you refuse to do it. I know you haven't been here in a while, but the rules still apply."

I sat back in the hospital bed. I didn't want to go back. I wanted to be with my husband, my daughter, and my real friends.

"Do you want me to send someone else in with you?" October offered, but I quickly denied, "There's no smooth way to do it, and I don't want to risk any of our people. Because they figured out about Iver, they're going to be on high alert. Any new person would trigger their suspicions."

October cracked a small smile. "You're adorable when you talk logic." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too," I merely whispered, "I hope my baby doesn't forget about me."

"You're all she talks about," October told me, "She absolutely adores you. She has a little mommy shrine in her room."

"When is she going to be out of school?" I asked.

"Whenever I get your papers signed, we will go get her together. I know you miss her, and she misses you."

I pushed October away, "Go sign those damn papers, and take me to my child!"

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