20: Astra

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"I'll be in the waiting room, okay?" Harry reassured me, and I nodded.

He planted a soft kiss on my forehead before taking his seat. I looked at the brown door in front of me. I honestly wanted to run.

I don't know why I told Harry I needed help. I mean, a little therapy can't hurt, but I don't want to talk about it. I had a moment of weakness yesterday with Harry.

I'm fine now. I'm not so fucked up. I tried convincing Harry that I didn't need to go this morning, but he was not listening.

"Im fine now," I swore to Harry. He was already up this morning, making breakfast.

He shook his head, scrambling the eggs, "I've already called the therapist, so you're going."

I huffed loudly, sitting on the counter, "It's a waste of time, Harry."

He moved the eggs away from the hot eye, so they wouldn't burn and turned to me, "What harm can it do?"

Childishly, I folded my arms over my chest. Harry looked at me and laughed before coming and pulling my arms down, "Why're you being such a baby about this?"

"Because I don't want to talk about this," I exasperated.

Harry let go of my arms and put his arms around my waist, pulling off of the counter, "You'll be fine. Do you want me to come with you?"

I shook my head, "I need to do this alone. I just don't know if I want to bring up all that's happened to me."

I stopped talking because Harry was just staring at my lips. When his eyes flicked back to mine, he was smirking. He leaned in and attached our lips.

He slowly started moving his lips against mine. Normally, I'd be against this, but maybe I'd be able to make him forget about the therapy appointment.

I slowly rotated my hips against his. He groaned softly before pulling away, "We can continue this later. We have to get you to Reid's."

So yeah. My plan didn't work the way I thought it would. I knocked softly on the door. I hoped he wouldn't answer, so I could call Harry.

I awkwardly walked to the front desk, looking back at Harry. Harry was too engulfed on whatever the fuck was on his phone. He didn't even look at me.

Once I reached the desk, a man who was a bit taller than Harry looked me up and down. He had shaggy brown hair and looked extremely professional. His eyes scoured my body before he finally spoke up.

"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. Is there anything I can help you with?"

I fumbled over my words, "I... Hi... Astra. My name is Astra Fox."

His eyes lit up when I mentioned my name. He nodded and typed something on his computer, "Harry's girl, right?"

I nodded, and Spencer stuck his head out to see Harry. Once he spotted him, he walked away from the desk and came out to the reception area.

"Why isn't it the man himself." He caught Harry's attention. Harry's intense feelings towards whatever he was looking at on his phone quickly faded when he saw Spencer. The two hugged each other.

"This is Astra," Harry introduced me, and I shyly waved at Spencer.

"She told me at the desk. Had she not mentioned her name, I was going to make a move on her," he joked.

Spencer and I laughed at the joke, but Harry wasn't amused in the slightest. His jaw slightly clinched, and he quickly rolled his eyes.

"I'll let the two of you go work on her problems," Harry dismissed the two of us. Spencer began walking towards the door. I was in pursuit until Harry pulled me back, "I'll be in here. If he tries anything or makes you uncomfortable, come out here. I'll handle him."

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