48: Harry

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I softly sat Astra's head down on the pillow before slipping out of the room.

"Sneaking out already?" Asher laughed, probably because of my reaction. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Who the fuck hides outside of a man's door?

"I know if she wakes up, she's going to want to cuddle. I usually wouldn't care, but I have a nation to run."

Asher's upbeat facial expression dropped easily at the mention of The Allegiance, "If Astra can't watch Caspian at least, who would we use to watch the girls?"

I sighed. This is why I never wanted to have a family. If Astra wasn't pregnant with my baby, this would be a no brainer. She could easily hold her own against either of them, but she's not at her full strength.

She was barely into her pregnancy, and it was already taking such a toll on her body. I'd be a selfish partner if I had her grown an entire baby that's probably going to look like me— I have a feeling my genes are going to overpower hers— and watch a potential traitor within The Allegiance.

"I can only think of Kai," I admitted, walking with Asher towards the living room. I made sure to keep my volume low. This house is fairly empty, so sound carries easily throughout the place.

"I've been trying to get him to. You need to talk to him," Asher turned to me, "I think you're the only person he'd listen to."

I rolled my eyes as Asher flicked his fingers at me before diving off into his room. I entered the living room to see just the trio: Caspian, Pandora, and Kai.

They actually seemed to be enjoying each other like a big ass throuple. All of their gazes' fell on me as I walked in.

"I need to apologize," I addressed Kai, "I shouldn't have put my hands on you. I just can't risk their safety. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened."

"Safety?" Pandora asked, "What did you ask him to do?"

Kai nervously glanced at me before I spoke up, "We've decided to strike first. I want to infiltrate Scorpion territory, and they decided to volunteer my only love in this world."

Kai shielded his chest, "I'm your only love in the world!"

I rolled my eyes and listened to Pandora's response, "Why can't I ever do anything?"

My eyebrow raised, "What're you talking about?"

Pandora sat up on the couch, "I never get sent on missions. I mean, I can defend myself."

I folded my arms.

Well, this wasn't a real mission, but if you insist, be my guest.

"Who do you want going with you?" I asked, now leaning onto a wall beside me.

Caspian grabbed her hand, but she shook her head, "You'd just distract me too much."

I managed to control my face as I watch Pandora lie right to Caspian's face. I sat in disbelief as I watched Caspian believe what Pandora said.

The two of them met during a mission. Well, they knew each other, but they definitely got closer because of the mission. I sadly know this because it was the first place they decided to hook up, and I was the unlucky person within their mission group.

"—Styles!" Pandora yelled, bringing me completely out of my own head.


"I said that I don't care who it is," Pandora said, "As long as it isn't one of you guys. I don't want to go with someone I care about. I would lose it if anything happened."

Pandora is usually a pessimistic bitch, but she never talks like this.

"I'll get you someone. Let me go back into my room, and come up with a plan for you guys," I said, before exiting the living room.

I needed to wake Astra up. I knew she'd be pissed, but I had to see if someone would draw the same conclusions as I did from Pandora's words. Astra's one of the few people I can trust.

I nearly sprinted towards our bedroom. I walked into the room to see Astra already awake. She was lying on the bed propped up by a few pillows behind her. She looked so tired.

"You look stressed," she said with worry spreading across her face.

"I need to brain dump again," I huffed, partially because of the relief and because I used the dump as term 'brain dumping' that she loved, "I think Pandora is the traitor."

Astra's eyebrows raised as she made the realization. Her face quickly changed to confusion before refuting with, "There's no way. The Scorpions wouldn't send two people in as once. That's way too big of a risk."

I sat down on the bed before answering, "Would it? It could be perfect. I mean think about it. You said Iver was infuriated with you while you were held captive?"

Astra nodded, confirming my idea, "Why would he wait until you were with Pandora to kidnap her? They literally lived together. He could've done this in the dead of night with darkness as a natural shield."

Astra was finally starting to catch on, "I mean the day we got into the car accident, they had an interesting interaction. He was so lovey dovey, and she couldn't hide her disgust."

I nodded, "I think I'm going to send her into Scorpion territory."

Astra shook her head, "That's not a good idea."

"I need to make sure she is the traitor. We can send one of the prisoners in with her. We'll put body cams and microphones on Pandora's disguise. I'll be listening to see if she says anything."

Astra sat back deeper into the bed, "I think that's a great idea."

She happily sat up while planting a small kiss on my cheek.

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