33: Harry

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I hated that yesterday had to come to an end. Astra and I had an us day. We played some game that Astra insisted on. It was called "Love Language"

I had never heard of the game before, but the title alone would've steered me away from the game. We figured out that her love language was quality time, and mine was physical touch.

It made sense. I could never seem to keep my hands off of her, and she enjoyed the times it would be the two of us.

Last night, we had makeup sex, but can you really call it makeup sex? I don't care honestly, but it was good sex nonetheless.

When I woke up, my responsibilities hit me like a ton of bricks. The stupid ringing of my phone woke me up.

Margaret was calling me left and right. I picked up after the seventh call.

"Harry goddamn Styles!" She sounded distressed, "You nearly made me come to your house. You need to handle C3. We have someone else to place in there?"

I stretched out my body the best I could. Astra was wrapped in the bedsheets and clinging onto me. "Who is going into C3?"

"Marlowe Bane."

"What?" I perked up, "What the hell?"

"I've done some investigating, and she's had a lot of contact with Arlo. I think they were sleeping around."

"God," I uttered, running my hands through Astra's hair, "Does Kai have any idea?"

"Don't think so," Margaret replied, "Be at C3 within the next hour. He has to be out of there by three."

I hung up the phone without saying goodbye. I hated time constraints, and I hated the fact that I had to wake Astra up. She was sleeping so peacefully, but I was not leaving her alone again.

"Baby," I lightly shook her body and watched her wiggle around in the bed, "We have to be somewhere in an hour."

"Where?" She whispered, still clinging onto me.

"We have to deal with Arlo," I told her, "And I don't want you to be here alone. You can come with me and just go into another room."

Astra sat up and scratched her head. She looked so tired. I felt bad for even waking her up. We both got up and went into the bathroom.

We had developed a nice routine. We'd both brush our teeth together while she sat on the sink. She'd always tell me the details of her dreams because they were a big deal to her. Then, I'd step out and let her take a shower while I went in my office to check my emails.

Today, I already knew what the plan was. Normally, I'd ask one of the boys to assist me in C-3, but I want to have Arlo all to myself.

I've never felt this much anger towards a single person. Not only did he betray my trust, he also tortured my girl. He even admitted he was in love with her.

Arlo should know by now. I'm a jealous person. What's mine is mine, and Astra is mine.

"You ready?" Astra popped into my office. She was wearing sweatpants and one of my hoodies, yet it could contest as the most beautiful sight ever.

"Can you bring me a hoodie or something? Unless you want me to go shirtless," I smirked, walking towards her.

She wrapped her arms around me and glared up at me, "Definitely not. I hate watching girls drool over you."

"I mean what can I say? I am a stud," I laughed as she rolled her eyes and grabbed the hoodie.

"You know sometimes I just wanna..." I waited for her to finish her sentence, but she punched me in my stomach instead.

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