Ch.12- A Journey to Uzushio

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"Kento-kun. Here's your mother's medicament for this month." I handed the small bottle of the usual medicine to the very first friend i made since I moved here.

"Thank you Kira-san. How long will you be gone?" He asked.

"Not long enough. Probably just four or five days. Please if its not much of a hassle,can you maybe spare some of your time to keep an eye on this place? You know just some sneak peeks. Maybe Kuro will come home then you can tell me about it when i get back. Can you?"

"No problem Kira-san, i mean Kira-chan. But if you don't mind me asking, where are you off to?" He inquired, looking really curious or that's what it seemed to me.

"Oh, just gonna go visit my village. Need to do some task." I answered as I wear my cape.

"You mean Village hidden in the mountains?" Oh. I forgot i told him a little bit of my background.

"No. My birthplace. Uzushiogakure. "

His eyes widen.

"Oh. I heard about that village. It was attacked years ago because nations feared the sealing jutsus of Uzumaki clan."

"Ya got that right Kento."

"So that means you're an Uzumaki?" He asked,his eyes growing wider every second as if he just learned some life changing news.

"Yeah. That's why i got this hair as red as tomato."

"Cool." He exclaimed, prolonging the "O".

"Uh-you think so?" I said, a bit weirded out with his reaction.

He nodded his head enthusiastically. Probably the first time I saw him in this mood. He always seem so neutral. I mean he's not silent like Itachi and definitely not as loud as that Uzumaki kid i met way back then. He's just in between.

"I've always adored Uzumaki clan. I've
heard stories about them and their abilities to seal even tailed beast. I even told my mother when i was a kid that I want to marry an Uzumaki when i grow up."

"Wow. I didn't know my clan have fans. Well,i better get going now Kento-kun. See you." I smiled at him, waving as i walk. He nodded at me and waved. From here, Land of Rivers  is a good 40 hour trip to the Land of Whirlpools passing by the southern outskirts of Land of Fire.

Back to the days when I was still living and earning as a mercenary. I don't have a single friend of my age. Probably because when I'm not out on a mission, I stay inside my hideout and vice versa. And secondly though I always wanted friends there's a part of me that says friends are just excess baggages since I am an assassin and they might be use as my weaknesses. That's why I am so happy when I met Itachi,he was the first person who can be my friend since he is strong,not to mention an S-rank criminal. No one in their right mind would try to mess with him right? They would just get their face wiped to the ground or never live to see another sunrise again.

And with Kento. Since he always deliver dango, I've grown fond of him. I also love making medications for his mother since i can put my knowledge to herbs and medicine to use. That is why, I hope they won't be put in danger because of me. But i have not heard of anyone who's hunting me since i don't show my face on my missions. The only thing they know about me is my red hair. And I am not saying that no one holds a grudge about me either since every single one of my targets must have loved ones and someone who cares for them just like me. Maybe someone is really angry at me,the killer of their loved one though they know nothing about but is cursing me with all their heart. Maybe even swearing vengeance. But one things for sure, I'm not letting anyone important and close to me get hurt again.

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