Ch.6- Small Talk

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Uzumaki Kira. She introduced her name. I figured as much. That unusually vibrant red hair of hers screams the proud Uzumaki clan. And her blue eyes, reminds me of the jinchuriiki kid back in Konoha. The kid who was shunned by the villagers due to Danzo spreading rumors that the kid was the kyuubi himself. The only difference was the shades,the jinchuriiki kid's orb was a brilliant blue. The eyes that shone too bright. The eyes of the fourth.

The kid was now a genin. With the same toothy grin on his face and his "dattebayo" trademark. His bright blonde hair he got from his father, actually his physique was from his father while his attitude, the same impulsiveness and loud mouth was from his mother. How do i know? Well his mother was a friend of my mother and his his dad? Well, none other than the Yellow flash of the leaf. The Yondaime. Hokage. Isn't that one of the reason why my clan planned the coup? For they want my father to be the fourth. Our happy lives in our little district was ruined by my own clans ambitions. And I,the one who was forced to make the hardest the decision. The moment the clan died, i died as well. Now I'm just a living dead. A soulless body walking with my future death at my little brother's hand. But it doesn't matter,as long as my brother is safe.

But sometimes i do wonder. What could have my life been if the coup didn't happen? If the clan didn't planned a revolution? If i had a normal life. Maybe i had find myself a lover. Not that i needed one. But i wonder how its like to have my own family. A thing that will never happen to me. But Sasuke. I hope he finds a girl who will love him despite his flaws, imperfections and his demons. Someone who will drag him out of loneliness. And i hope that his kids will not see war and grow in peace. That's enough to make me happy.

"Reishi,i told you to stop calling me Red-head." I turned my head towards the little ruckus the Uzumaki is making. Her fist was balled and ready to land a hit on the poor guy's head. They continued bickering and i just stared at them. Especially at the Uzumaki. I don't know why but i can't seem to take my eyes away from her hair. The longer i stare,the memories from the other night flooded back.

Shogun fireflies dance around me and for a moment,i felt a sense of calmness and tranquility. I let myself indulge in the silent night , closing my eyes feeling the cold air. I opened it again and saw one fireflies close to my face. I raised my hand and let it land on my finger.

"Itachi-san, we've brought your favorite seaweed onigiri." A boy called out. Kina was waving his hand at me and behind her was the Red-haired woman carrying the food. She put the plate beside me and sat not too far in front of me. Her eyes lingered around at the fireflies.

I uttered a word of thanks and she nodded at me. "Weren't you gonna eat Ita-kun?" Kina,the boy asked. I stared at the boy whom was staring back at me. I took one rice ball and slowly ate it. The boy's gaze left me and he stared at something. His mouth wide open.
"Woah". He quietly exclaimed. I followed his gaze and saw the sight he was so amaze at. The Red-haired woman frolicking in the grass fields. Surrounded by countless fireflies. She seemed to occupied with the scenery and completely forgot about us. She laid down the grass,her long red hair lit up as fireflies landed onto it.

And if not for Reishi calling my attention,i had not realized my mouth was slightly ajar. I raised my hand to receive the cup of tea Reishi was holding but the boy's attention was no longer to mine. His eyes was fixated on the girl lying on the grass. "Goddess" They chorused. The girl returned to reality and she suddenly sat up. "What was that?" She asked. The boys ran to her and asked her hand to marriage. She seemed to dumbfounded that she just stared at them. I chuckled in amusement and cleared my throat. "Weren't you gonna hand me that tea Reishi?" Reishi immediately raced back to me and handed me the tea.

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