Ch.15- "You're really helpless"

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I woke up only to realize I'm in my room. Well in the house Itachi let me live. The last thing I remembered is fighting that masked man and being sexually harassed. Now, why the hell am I lying in my own room? What happened to that man?

"Think!" I urged myself.

Let's see, successfully sealing the beast, fighting with the masked man, losing and being wrongly touched, and then... then what happened next? "Oh yeah. Now I remembered, I hallucinated being carried by Itachi and kissed by him. " I muttered quietly, my cheeks heating up for an unknown reason. What's up with that hallucinations? I even remembered seeing him smiling.

I snorted. "Oh please, him? Smiled? Seeing the pigs fly would be more possible than seeing him smile."

Oh and there's that dream of my mother too. I abruptly got up in bed but immediately regretted the action when a sharp pain shot through my stomach. I looked down and saw bandage wrapped around me. My body is also covered with cuts and I'm sure that a little more bandage is all I need to look like a mummy.

As I continued gawking at my wounds and stupidly touching it to see if it hurts, the door suddenly opened and in went Kento. His eyes widen the moment his eyes landed on me and stood still for a brief moment before scurrying to my side.

"Kira-chan, you are awake. I'm so glad." He said with a worried yet relieved look.

I slowly nodded my head as I watched him scanned by bandages. "Kento-kun? How did I live? No not that, how did I get here??" I asked him. He glanced at me and picked one apple on the table next to my bed. He began peeling it and I silently waited for his answer.

"Kuro-kun brought you here. I was quite shock when I saw you lying in bed with that much bandages. And you've been asleep for five days already." He answered. "Here." he handed me the small plate with the peeled and sliced apple and I happily receive it because I am feeling undeniably hungry. No wonder..,

"I see..." I nodded my head. " So Itachi brought me home and I've been asleep for five..." Wait, what??

"Kento-kun, can you tell me, again,
how long I've been asleep?"

"Five days Kira-chan, five days." He wiggled his all five fingers in front of me.

I sighed, " I want to be shocked but I guess it's only natural right? I've been completely depleted of chakra and mortally wounded and battered." I mumbled and shoved three slices of apple in my mouth. Kento nodded.

"So it's not just hallucinations? Itachi really saved me? Again? And that,.. that kiss. It was my first kiss." I mentally screamed, having internal panic. I felt my face becoming hotter.

"Eh? Kira-chan? Why are you blushing?" Kento asked, his face painted with visible confusion.

"Huh? Me? Oh I was just feeling hot. I'll take a shower real quick." I said and carefully stood up.

"Okay, I'll just gonna go get you something to eat." He said and bid farewell. I step into the shower and took off all of my bloody bandages.

Doing what seems to be I stupid thing, again, I bit myself, and replenished my chakra using my own chakra. Sounds stupid and useless right? But hey, it works or atleast heals my wound. I don't have any medical ninja friends and since I possess a healing ability, might as well use it to myself. My deep wounds started closing and the cuts healed but I felt weak before I could fully healed the deep cuts. So I stopped.

Kento came back minutes after I finished showering and dropped some food. For the next two days, I spent my days recuperating and I've never been thankful for Kento's continous generosity with foods and dangos. He also brought me a box of cup ramen.
He said it was as a thank you for making medicines for her mother. Of course I gladly accepted it. There's nothing more good than a free ramen.

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