Ch. 20- Wolf in a Sheep's clothing

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Part I

"He was attack on his way home last night."  Itachi's words rang in my ears over and over as I ran my way inside. I went straight to the kitchen where Reishi is usually in but he's nowhere to find. So I made my way back and went straight to Kina's room. I stopped outside to catch my breath and calm myself down. I curled my fist and raised it to knock the door but stopped midway.  I messed up. Really messed up. I bit my trembling lips to suppress my sobs. My tears silently streamed down my face.

Taking a deep breath, I bravely knocked the door and gently pushed it open. I peeped inside and saw Reishi sitting besides Kina. He glanced at my side and went back to what he was doing without a word. He is wiping Kina's forehead with lukewarm water. A small basin is sitting next to him. I carefully approached them, regretfully averting my eyes away when I saw Kina's face twisting in pain and his pale lips trembling.

"What are you doing standing there? Aren't you supposed to get rid of the remaining poison in his body?" Reishi spoke with a cold voice. My eyes widen. Poison?  I scanned my gaze and noticed the cloth tied near his wound. I felt my nails dug through my palm as I curled my fist in anger. Who could do this to him? This clearly went off the line. I hastily went beside him and untied the cloth. This is a good the idea too somewhat stopped the spread of the poison. 

Without wasting a single minute, I  plucked a strand of my hair, gently struck one of its end on the wound and  brought my palm next to the wound and concentrated. My hands glowed bright green as I concentrated my chakra on it. My hairs bright color slowly faded as the poison ran through it. I used my hair as a straw that served as a conductor for my chakra to run through and siphoned the poison from his wound. The remaining poison is not much since it left a portion of my hair bright red. 

"Please cleanse his wound once again. And wrapped it with a clean cloth. And if you have some medicine for a poison please use some." I said as I turned to walk away. Reishi remained silent and I can't blame him. I did promised to look after Kina and I failed to keep it. Hating me is normal. I glanced at the sleeping boy. His face relaxed now that I got rid of the remaining poison. "I'm sorry Kina. I'll find whoever did this to you as a way to redeem myself. I stared at the strand of my hair I used earlier. This will lead me to whoever used this to hurt Kina. The strand began to float in a green glowing light, it then began to lead me the way. I briefly glanced back to the house before following the strand.

"I'll finish this quickly. Besides Itachi is here with them, they'll be fine." Although I haven't seen the man I mentioned around but that's just how he is. I'm pretty sure he's around.

The trail the strand took me isn't that of a long way but it certainly is a secluded place where an abandoned shack stood. I silently entered. What greeted me were an overturned table, shattered glass, and broken chairs.  "What happened here?" I muttered. I roamed my gaze around until I spotted four unconscious men tied together.   

"They've been had. But who could have?" I murmured as I stared at the men sleeping soundly, knocked out if I were to describe it precisely. And then an overwhelming and familiar presence sent a chill down my spine. I turned around and saw a pair of bloodshot eyes staring right at me. 

"Oh. Was it you who did this?" I asked.

"I just sent them to the land of dreams. Are you sure it is a good idea to leave those two alone?"

"Well I thought you were there. That's why I confidently left the house." I said and immediately ran outside.  I traced my way back to the shrine.  That man. He should have said a thing if his gonna do that.  Still, I am thankful he just knock them out with genjutsuI don't want the weight of the lives he took get an addition again. By that I meant that those men are no shinobis and it's safe to say that they were just paid to do it,- attack Kina.

When I neared the house, I sensed another chakra signature aside from Reishi and Kina. I carefully made my way behind the shrine and hid behind the big tree. I peeped and saw Reishi hosting a man in the veranda. He placed a cup of tea in front of the man. Since the man is facing away, I couldn't see clearly who he is so I walked to them and upon nearing them, I recognized the man right away. 

"Man you've got some tiny and cozy place here." he said to Reishi. The latter gave him a smile and nod. 

"Kureno?" I called his name. He looked my way and flashed a big grin. "Kira, hey." he replied. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I came to see how little boy is doing. I heard he was attacked last night and poisoned." 

I sighed ang hung my head low. "Yeah, you're right. I should have been a responsible grown up and looked after him but instead I let my own feelings and wants get the best of me." I muttered, raising my eyebrow. I raised my head back and put on a smile. 

I walked up to him and sat in front of him. "Reishi, do you mind if I ask for some tea too?" I asked, looking at Reishi straight in the eye. 

"Of course not.  I'll get you a cup right away." he said and disappeared inside the room.

"Thank you." I muttered and turned to Kureno. "So, is the tab too big? I can pay you back half the price." I said.

He quickly dismissed me, " Oh no, I'd feel bad if I ask a beautiful lady for a payback. Don't worry about it." he said and chuckled.

"I see. Okay then." I said. He nodded. "By the way, Kureno. Who told you Kina was attacked?" I asked, getting straight to the point. 

He was sipping his tea but stopped when he heard my question.

I stared at him. I met him not too long ago but I have trust in him. 

The question is, Do he deserve that trust?


Here's some update<3

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