Ch 2- Mission

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Days,weeks,months have passed since that encounter with Itachi. The konohagakure shinobi who lost his mind and slaughter his entire clan. Or that's what they say. An S-class criminal in the bingo book.

Konoha. An ally of Uzushiogakure. An Uzumaki crest embedded at the back of Konoha flak jacket as a symbol of alliance between two villages. When Uzushio was destroyed,it would be normal for Uzumakis to seek shelter in Konoha. After all the first jinchuriiki of kyuubi was our own Mito Uzumaki.

Uzumaki's are feared for fuinjutsu. Being able to seal even bijuus with just few handsigns,our ability was feared. Believing to be too powerful to continue existing,some of the nations banded together and annihilated our clan, leaving the survivors to fled and go into hiding.

I heaved a sigh. How i miss my homeland. The beautiful village was now nothing but ruins.

Closing the book i was reading about medicines and illnesses,i stood up. Rubbing my eyes as i walk towards the door. "Ah, have i read too long? My eyes feels strained." I stopped and turned back to where my room was. I rummage through my desk looking for my eye strain liquid.

"Found it!" I exclaimed to myself holding up a small bottle of liquid. "Aw man,looks like its time to go back to that village and purchase this medicine again." I mumbled as i put the last few drops in my eye.

I left my room and headed to the boulder weaving the handsigns. I boulder closed with a thud behind my back. I shielded my eyes with my palm with the sudden brightness of the surrounding. "Too bright! This is what i get for being a caveman." I murmured as i adjusted my vision.

I was about to take a step forward when a guy appeared in front of me.

"Kira. Hotaru-sama wants to see you."

A mission? What is it about now? Assassination? Am i going to infiltrate hidden villages again? I shrugged. "I'll be there." Seriously, I'm in no mood for a mission right now. But its a waste of a good money if i decline. The guy in front of me is already gone.

I walk towards the river to wash my face. The cold yet refreshing water hit my face. I stared at my reflection in the river. My face really resembles of my mom's. I wonder what my mother looks like now. Are they okay?

I was lost in thought when my peripheral vision spotted a shiny thing under the water. Leaning closer to it, i realized it was a forehead protector. Scooping it out,i had an idea whose was it. Right away.

The leaf insignia was carved in the hitai-ate and was slashed in the middle. Indicating that whoever owns this has severed his ties with his village and has become a rogue. And that rogue was no other than the man i save not so long ago. Uchiha Itachi.

I shoved the hitai-ate inside my pocket and headed to the village head's office. Some people smiled as i walk in the middle of the village, which i returned to them gladly. Unlike Kusagakure,this village has a welcoming atmosphere in it. This small village has been my home for almost seven years.

After knocking,i slowly opened the door of the office. An aged man was seated in the middle of the room in front of a small table. He looked at me as he puffed smoke out if his mouth, motioning me to go near him as he put the cigarette down the tray.

"Kira you're here. Did i bother you? Do you have any missions for this week?." He asked. He's aware that i accept mission as a mercenary aside from serving this village.

"No, Hotaru-san. I'm free. Do you have any missions for me?" I politely asked.

"Well,if its not much of a bother. I would like you to go someplace." he said. " Of course it wouldn't be a bother. Serving this village is my way of repaying you for saving my life before. i replied as i gently sipped the tea he offered me.

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