Ch.1- Itachi Uchiha

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I puffed the air out of my mouth as i stared at the unconscious man in my bed. Its been hours since i found him afloat in the river. I have changed his wet clothes into dry ones. I was contemplating whether i should change his pants since I don't want to strip a man naked but in the end i decided to change it but ofc i closed my eyes while doing so.

After changing him i decided to wash his clothes and hung them dry. I jolted out of my seat when i noticed him trembling and groaning. I sat beside him and touched his forehead, finding out he has a high fever. Wasting no time, I wetted a towel and placed it on his forehead. Pounding some medicinal herbs,i opened his mouth and let some few drops of its juice down his throat. His face distorted with the bitter taste and his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Who.. who are you? Where am I?" He tried to get up but failed. He weakly fall back down to my bed.

"Relax,im not gonna hurt you." i replied as i dampened the cloth and placed it in his forehead again. His tensed body slowly relax,not so long after,his breath steadied.

Deciding to make some food,i head to the kitchen only to be interrupted by my messenger bird. It flew inside with the little hole I made for it to enter. Of course,only this bird would be able to enter this house since i applied a formula recognizing only this birds chakra. And also detecting any threats if ever someone attached paper bombs or seals into the bird.

The white dove landed on my table,a letter attached to its tiny feet. My presence was requested in the village hidden in the Moonlight to heal wounded villagers and shinobis. Aside from assasinating missions,i also accept medical ones.

Putting on my mission clothes,i stared at myself in the mirror. My long Uzumaki red hair falling down to my waist. Unlike my little sister Karin who have crimson eyes,mine was a light shade of blue. A few bite marks can be seen especially in my arms to my shoulder. I never imagined myself doing the same things my mother does. I swear to myself before after seeing my mother full of bite marks everytime she come home,that i would not let myself and my sister be like her. I would often tell my mother to flee from that village. Kusagakure. Up until now,i would feel disgust everytime i remember Zōsui's face. That heartless bastard who forced our mother to overuse her powers in exchange for a place to stay. But my mother would just smile and told me that she didn't mind,tho i know she's lying. I can clearly see exhaustion in her eyes.

"Did you forgot we're from the mighty Uzumaki clan? This is nothing. Mother has extreme chakra reserves,as well as you two. So don't worry. Mother can do this.! I'm doing it so that they won't use you too.". Is what my mother would always told us.

Sighing, i put my hair to a ponytail and prepared to leave the house. I dampened the cloth once again, placing it in the unconscious guy before leaving him. I also placed some food beside him so he can eat when he wakes up. Weaving a few handsigns,the boulder slowly opened and i step outside closing it behind me.

The injured was much more than i expected. Due to expanding their lands,small war have broke out between small villages. Even innocent villagers had been caught up in the fighting. Some were gravely injured.

The village head handed me the fee when i finished my job. A few bite marks had been added to my arms and aside from that,i felt a little exhausted. After all , I'm still human. Even though i was blessed with vast chakra reserves and life force doesn't mean i won't get exhausted or worst,die.

After leaving the village, I decided to stop on some market all the way home since i was running out of stocks. Suppressing my chakra,i blended with the people. Trying my best to act like a normal person,i let my shoes sound as i walk. I've been doing it ever since. At first its was hard since i was used to stealthy walking. I pull my hood over my face more to hide my red hair with a cape covering my bite marked arms.

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