Part 5- Summer 15: Week 5 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻

Start from the beginning

"I am indeed sunshine, though I won't be spending all my time with him. Can't expect poor Anne to third wheel can I?"

"Nope my mum would kill you." Harry snorted.

"That I'm very aware of! But anyway, I was hoping you'd like to meet Eric.." Trisha spoke, turning to Zayn specifically.

"L-like now?" Zayn asked in shock.

"Well yes, he's here to pick me up and I thought it was the perfect opportunity." Trisha told him.

"Oh right yeah, ok then." He agreed, smiling gratefully to Harry who placed a hand on his lower back. "Don't see why not."

"Thankyou baby boy!" Trisha gushed happily, hugging Zayn close. "I was so anxious to ask you!"

Zayn shook his head , kissing her cheek as they slowly pulled back from their warm hold.
"Don't be, he's your boyfriend and he makes you happy. That's all I care about."

"Right well he's outside so..."

Zayn allowed her to lead the way, making sure to press a kiss to Harry's cheek once she was out the door. Smiling happily at the blush that coated the older boys cheeks lightly.
"I'll be back in a second."

"I know, I'll be on the couch." Harry laughing in amusement. "Go babe."

Zayn did as asked, slowly walking down the steps of the caravan before he followed his mother down the path leading to the car park. His mother was stood beside a nice black Range Rover , a tall grey haired man stood next to her as they laughed happily.
As Zayn got closer he started to look more at the mans appearance.. he seemed nice. Gentle blue eyes that crinkled slightly as he laughed, grey hair swept back neatly off of his forehead. His smile was welcoming and the teen was instantly at ease.

"There you are! Zayn, sunshine this is Eric. Eric this is my son Zayn!" Trisha introduced happily.

"Nice to meet you." Zayn smiled.

"Oh wow, you have no idea! Happy birthday mate!" Eric smiled in return. "Your mum has spoken a lot about you!"

"I bet she has! My little best friend aren't I mother?" Zayn chuckled.

"You are indeed.. Eric has a little something for you honey." Trisha sighed in content.

"I was going to tell him that love!" Eric exclaimed.
"Sorry, I just really wanted to give you this on my own, but anyway... it's only a little something."

The older man carefully handed over a small box. Zayn couldn't help but hesitate as he reached out to take it. "A-are you sure? Eric you didn't have to."

Not even his own father had sent him anything this year. So the fact that somebody who didn't even know him had made an effort was a lot.

"Yes! Open it up kid. Everyone deserves a present on their sixteenth birthday! Even from a stranger." Eric chuckled. "Your mum told me she couldn't really afford to get much for you so you agreed that having your phone early was enough... but I couldn't just allow that. I want you to have something to open!"

"T-Thats really kind of you actually." Zayn grinned, opening up the box that was tied with a ribbon. The air suddenly leaving his lungs.
"Are you serious?!" He gasped.

"Deadly." Eric shrugged.

"You said it was a little something! This is an Armani watch!" Zayn screeched.

"It's what?!" Trisha exclaimed, rushing over to look at her sons present. "Eric oh my god love! This is beautiful! How did you do this?"

Eric shrugged with a soft smile.
"Perks of owning my own jewellery shop... trust me I have plenty of money. That's not me rubbing it in or anything it's just me saying.. you don't have to worry anymore." He explained.

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