The Day It All Started

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Hereford Base; Female Dorm


You were walking through the halls back to the female dorm with Ela after having to do a workout with a group of recruits.

Ela: I swear if one more of those recruits make a sparky remark I'm kicking him in the dick.

IQ: Yea they're annoying but still don't do that.

Ela Ok fine, how about just make them do more.

IQ: Thats the spirit.

Ela: I hate this spirit.

You walked into the female dorm and you noticed all the girls were watching Zofia scream at the top of her Lungs about Derek.

IQ: Whats going on?

Zofia: That asshole, knew he was always like the rest.

IQ: Calm down, what happened.

Frost: She heard news about what he said towards you and Ela and she confronted him.

IQ: Zofia, he was hurt.

Zofia: I could give less of a damn if he was hurt, no one talks back to my sister, especially a low life like that recruit.

IQ: He was just trying to keep out of harms way. Wouldn't you like to have someone do that for you?

Zofia: Yea, its called a bullet magnet and thats all those damn recruits are.

IQ: If you even think about making one of them a bullet magnet.

Zofia: Its the same process over and over, we get recruits, they die, we get more recruits. You like them so much, thats ashame, because they'll just die soon enough anyways.

IQ: They're doing whats right.

Zofia: They're being ignorant prices who just care about nothing more than pride. Pride gets them killed.

IQ: He did night watch and was nearly killed by 8 goons and then the next day with no sleep took out an assassin. Imagine if that was Ela, she could've been killed.

Zofia: Yea well, doesn't mean a lower class should be able to talk back to a higher up. He's a recruit, she's an operator. Since when did they have the right to call the shots.

IQ: Since he became a lieutenant.

Zofia: In the military, this is Rainbow.

IQ: Nothing ever changed, he still leads his squad.

Zofia: They haven't been on a full mission yet, doubt their skills are even capable enough to survive on their own, they always need help from operators.

Valkyrie: So their last stand back at San Francisco was just a fluke.

Zofia: In the end, they couldn't take the heat and needed help from operators to finish the job.

Frost: Their job was to hold them off until operators showed up. They were on a different mission and had to pull off just to make sure no one else was hurt until we arrived.

Zofia: And they couldn't even last a few minutes.

IQ: They were like that for over 20 minutes.

Mark walks in during the conversation.

Mute: Alright, that's enough! We can here you fooks arguein' from the other side of base.

Zofia: They manipulated you guys.

Mute: You want the answers? Do what he told you to do and look up the date and location.

IQ: Grace, look it up.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now