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Hereford Base; Bravo Squad Dorm

Derek POV

You were in the living room bullet walking when you heard the speaker go off for everyone to meet in the cafeteria and for your squad to come in full gear. The rest of Bravo Squad came out of their rooms in their new gear looking at you.

Derek: What...

Mickey: We going?

Derek: Yea, everyone on their best behavior.

Bulldog: You sound like a dad taking his kids on a trip to Disneyland.

Derek: Yea well, it might be about the whole taskforce thing.

TheDooo: What about a taskforce?

Derek: We're being turned into a taskforce.

Grizzy: How come?

Derek: I'll just explain on the way.

You all left the dorm and started to head towards the cafeteria.

Derek: So like I was saying, whitemasks are getting more and more smarter with their attacks every so often, Six wants to make a taskforce, thought we were the right choice for it.

TheDooo: Will we ever go back to our normal lives?

Derek: You will in time. NATO is still working to find their hideout.

Soup: What about our other friends?

Derek: If they too are threatened or have signs of an attack, we'll be there. But for the time being, you guys were the only targets, they haven't tried anything yet because, quite honestly, who would even have the balls to attack here.

You all arrived at the cafeteria and opened the door, all the operators were already there with Harry on the built in stage.

Harry: Ah good, you're all here. We can start, come on up.

The six of you walked over to the stage and got up and stood in a line.

Harry: With the white masks planning attacks like no other, we at rainbow have only seen the smalls of their attacks, but with every small victory, there are set backs. That attack on the Taliban Prison showed it, there were whitemask activity, showing that they are planning big things. That mission was voluntary, because I wanted to see who would be capable of being in a taskforce. Those who work their own way instead of doing small missions. Thats where these seven come in.

Derek: Seven? But there's only six of us.

Harry: I was getting there. Could Phoenix come and stand in line.

The doors opened and your sister came in full gear and walked onto the stage and in line.

Haery: These seven will now be a taskforce, they will not be treated as recruits, but of the elite. Leading this group will not be me, but Lieutenant Derek "Colt" Westbrook. He will no longer be under my jurisdiction, he will plan their attacks and where they go. That is all.

Ela: I have a question.

Harry: What is it?

Ela: So they are no longer a part of rainbow?

Harry: Sorry for the misunderstanding, they are still a part of rainbow, however they work in their own branch. We have three different classes, recruits are lead by operators, operators are lead by me and their designated squad leader on missions. They will work for no one, only for Lieutenant Colt. He will call the shots, they will not work with operators.

IQ: When you say voluntary, what do you normally mean by that?

Harry: They're job is to do the dangerous work, the work that I can't risk putting you guys on.

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