This is Only About Revenge

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Hereford Base

Derek POV

You woke up the next morning still cuddling with Monika and Ela. They were both still asleep so you slowly and quietly got out of bed and got dressed. You walked out the door making sure to close it and headed towards the cafeteria. You walked in and sat at the table with Bravo Squad.

Mickey: Geez you were making quite a racket last night.

Derek: Well you were the one who made the bet.

Mickey: You're not wrong.

Bulldog: We could hear you from all the back at our dorm.

Mickey: And I heard you om my way to Jaimines dorm.

Derek: Wait, why were you going to Jaimines?

Mickey: Sniper comparison. I won by the way.

Derek: Yea we-

Jackal: Derek, we need you.

Derek: For what.

Jackal: We found the guy.

Your expression quickly changed from happiness to anger.

Derek: Where is he.

Jackal: Interrogation room, i'd go fast. Taina is getting pretty antsy.

You got up and sprinted to the interrogation rooms. You arrived to a room that had Taina waiting outside of it.

Caviera: About time you showed up.

Derek: and he's in there.

Caviera: Yea. *smirks* have fun with him.

You opened the door to see the mask and quickly shut it.

Mask: Ooooo someone new. Like I already told the Brazilian Chick I'm not talking.

Derek: Oh yea? Now tell me. What were you  doing on the night of October 12th, 2015.

Mask: You know I cant seem to remember. Care to remind me?

You walked up and punched him in the jaw.

Derek: Here's a little reminder.  Millersburg, Ohio.

Mask: Oh yea *chuckles* That was a good night.

Derek: Yea? You remember the families you slaughtered? Mothers and dauthters raped. Fathers and sons killed from the barrels of your guns?

Mask: Dont seem to remember or care.

Derek: What about Mary Westbrook or Rose Westbrook.

Mask: Oh yea, they were real nice. Oh but it was a shame to have to kill them. They would not stop screaming and crying. It was hilarious. Why's this so important.

Derek: Problem is you've caused someone to build up alot of pent up aggression. *pulls out pistol and shoots camera* And I'm about to let it all out.

Security Room

Ryad POV

You were watching the questioning happen when you saw Derek shoot the camera.

Caviera: What the hell does he think he's doing.

Jackal: Letting off steam.

Caviera: Well he's gonna kill him before  he gives answers.

She got up to head over but you just grabbed her arm.

Caviera: Let go of me você fode.

Jackal: Let him have this.

Caviera: why should I

Jackal: Becuase he's been waiting 5 years for this moment.

Caviera: Explain.

Jackal: 5 years ago he had to watch his family get shot and raped. He's doing this for revenge. Now let him have this.

Caviera: *sits back down* Fine.

You continued to hear the audio from the microphone but no visual idea of what was going on.

Interrogation Room

Derek POV

Derek: *takes off balaclava and punches mask* You're gonna remember this face while you're rotting in hell.

Mask: Oh I dont think I will.

You grabbed a rusty knife and stabbed him the thigh. He screamed in pain.

Derek: Where is the next attack.

Mask: Go fuck yourself.

Derek: Now what's gonna kill you first. Tetnis, me, or your arrogance. Where is the next attack.

Mask: I'm not telling you shit.

Derek: *pulls out knife* oh man that looks awful. Too bad I lost sympathy for you masks after that day.

Mask: What fuckin day.

Derek: October 12th, 2015!

You walked to his side and slammed his head on the table cracking his mask in the process.

Derek: By the end of this you'll be remembering their names.

Mask: Who's names.

You walked over to a table and rabbed a pipe. You walked back over.

Derek: We'll start off with the first one. Who was the 12 year old that you raped and then shot in the head.

Mask: I dont even know.

Derek: Rose Westbrook!

You swung the pipe and hit his knee.

Mask: Ahh fuck. I'll give you the plans just fucking stop.

Derek: Then what the fuck are they.

Mask: Paris... their planning an attack in Paris.

Derek: When is this attack.

Mask: October 5th at 6:00 PM sharp.

Derek: Anymore major attacks.

Mask: That's the only attack I know of I swear.

Derek: Well shit. Guess you werent very important to their cause now were you. *on radio* Six he doesnt have anything else. What do you want to do with him

Harry: *on radio* It's all up to you.

Derek: *on radio* Understood. *turns off radio* well then, you're about to be experiencing hell.

you started to beat the mask with the pipe until he was barely concious.

Derek: She was 12!

Mask: *coughs* and damn was she tight.

Derek: *Swings pipe down on other knee* He was a caring father!

Mask: Gah! And a dead one at that.

Derek: *picks up pistol and shoots him in the abdomen and leg* Frank Westbrook, Mary Westbrook, and Rose westbrook. Three bullets, for the three victims you took from me. Now remember those names while you spend the rest of your life in hell.

Mask: *in pain* but t-that w-was only t-two sho-

You quickly silenced the mask with the last bullet to the head. His head hung low and his body went limp. You put your balaclava back on as Taina came running in.

Caviera: Jesus christ.

You walked over and kicked the chair over. And walked out the door, not worrying about what you just did. The only thing you were feeling right now was rage.

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