Off Day

418 4 4

Hereford Base; Outside

Derek POV

The helicopter touched down on the base as everyone filed out.

Derek: Mark, Lucy, Kiwi, get to work immediately and see what you can find.

NATO: You got it sir.

Derek: And be sure to replace a folder with all of Roberts saved porn. That should be something they can wake up to.

NATO: Depends how much RAM they have. If Robert had control of base, he'd have a server room dedicated to his collection.

David: How much... porn?

Derek: You don't even want to know.

NATO: You know a phone normally has a set amount of storage? Like say, an IPhone 12 Pro Max having 128 Gigs.

David: Yea?

NATO: Robert had to pay for more storage.

You opened the doors inside the base and watched as Mark left with the Edgerunners. You went towards the cafeteria and sat down with your squad.

Demo: Well look who's back, how was LA?

Derek: Oh you know, the usual.

Mickey: Homeless people fighting over roadkill, Prostitutes on every corner, gambling addicts.

Bulldog: Can't forget the aggressive drunks and the smell of piss and shit lingering through the streets.

Demo: God I love LA.

Derek: You belong there.

Demo: What's that supposed to mean?

Kait: Hey LT.

Derek: Oh hey, have a seat.

They sat down and you lifted your balaclava up to take a sip of coffee that Sean brought to you

Ava: How was the meeting?

Derek: Oh that was the actual mission.

Ava: It was?

Derek: Yea, apparently we were all supposed to be there, but me and Mark made ends meet.

Kenzie: Did it run smoothly?

Derek: It did, somewhat. Had to half ass the job but we got what we went for.

Mickey: So the other hacker is with Mark now?

Derek: Yea, just gotta wait for them to pull something out and then we'll work from there. Hopefully it's something good.

Mickey: It's Mark, kids a genius. Add the other two and you can pretty much have access to whatever you desire.

Demo: Like Jenna Ortega's ring camera.

Derek: You... do realize ring cameras only show the outside... right?

Demo: Yea?

Derek: So why would you need access to that.

Demo: Proxi mic, have John crinkle a bag of chips in it.

Mickey: You are so fucking weird.

Kait: So what's on the agenda today?

Derek: Weight room.

Kait: We're lifting?

Derek: Well I haven't had a lot of time to recently, so I need to catch back up on that. So yes, today is the weight room.

Bulldog: Who has control of the speaker?

Derek: Who do you think?

Bulldog: Damn, when will I ever get the speaker.

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