The Aftermath

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San Fransisco, California

Sledge POV

You helped Mickey up to his feet and you both walked over to Derek on the stretcher. Gustave was with Monika trying to calm her down.

Doc: Monika he just passed out from blood loss.

IQ: But look at him, the kid took 5 bullets and he's barely clinging on.

Doc: He's much more stable now. He just meeds time to rest. I promise you everything will be ok.

IQ: I'm just still worried about him.

Mickey: I'm sorry.

Doc: For what.

Mickey: It's my fault he took two bullets. They wanted information and none of us were cracking. Although every wrong answer was a bullet for him instead of me.

Doc: You had to do what you had to do. Its over and he's stable. Now how's your shoulder.

Mickey: It's fine, so he's gonna need to be evactuated?

Doc: Yea he cant stay here. You cant either.

Mickey: With all due respect, I can still hold a pistol.

Sledge: Here I'll stay with the lad for the rest of his job. You take Derek back to get more treatment.

Doc: Alright, on the way back I'll let Harry know that you replaced Dereks position.

Sledge: Ay, now get him out of here.

Gustave and Monika both got into the helicopter and closed the slide door. The helicopter soon took off and they were out of sight.

Sledge: Alright then, where does a Scott need to go to get some good ale around here.

Mickey: *chuckles* Theres a bar a few blocks down.

Sledge: Lead the way lad.

Hereford Base

Derek POV

2 days later

You woke up to see a bright light shining in your eyes. You put your arm up to shield your eyes and when you started to adjust, you put it back down. You realized you were back at Hereford and in the medbay. You took a minute to look around the room and noticed that Monika was sitting next to you with her head on the bedside. You heard a door click and then open.

Doc: Ah you're awake, good.

Derek: What happened.

Doc: Dont remember alot do you. You got shot 5 times and lost conciousness.

Derek: How long was I out for.

Doc: A couple days.

You looked back over at Monika and just stared at her for a second.

Doc: You know she never really left your side throughout these past couple days.

Derek: She didnt?

Doc: Not at all, the only times she left was to get food. She would grab a tray and then come right back here.

Derek: Why would she do that.

Doc: Because she cares about you. Also you and Mickey are all over the news.

Derek: What do you mean.

Doc: I saw a report on the attack. "Two mysterious unknown organization members take final stand against masks"

Derek: Wouldnt really call that a last stand.

Doc: You two did good for being just you two.

Derek: We failed though.

Doc: Your objective was to buy time. You guys did just that.

Derek: Yea but at what cost though. No survivors, casualties were high. We dont have any information except for that attack in Paris that's supposedly coming up.

After saying that you felt the bed shift and looked down and saw Monika waking up. She looked up and you both locked eyes before she bent over and gave you a light hug, making sure not to apply too much pressure on you because of your wounds.

IQ: Thank god you're ok.

Derek: *chuckles* Yea I am. Just next time dont take so long.

IQ: We couldnt find where you guys were. Plus before hand there was some masks with RPGs we had to take out.

Derek: So Doc, how long am I out for.

Doc: Well you're free to leave now but you are out for 2 weeks. No physical activities. Cant risk those wounds reopening, especially the one in your abdomen. If that reopens, you wont be having a good time.

You slowly got up being assisted by Monika. You stood up and let go of her shoulder. Doc handed you a set of crutxhes just incase you had difficulty. You exited the medbay and started to head towards the cafeteria.

Derek: Ugh man being out for 2 days really makes you hungry.

IQ: I bet you are.

Derek: I could eat a whole fuckin horse right now.

IQ: Nice metaphor.

Derek: That's a metaphor?

IQ: You serious?

Derek: Just the thought of it... horse meat... mmmm.

IQ: You're so weird.

Derek: And yet you like it.

IQ: hmmm, kinda.

You entered the cafeteria and made your way to your squads table. Mickey got up and gave you a bro hug.

Mickey: Jesus christ dude we thought we lost you.

Derek: Well you cant get rid of what cant be killed hehe.

Mickey: I'm sorry for not giving them the location.

Derek: Hey I'm alive dont worry about it.

Mickey: You almost did though.

Derek: Listen, under no circunstances will you give up the bases locations, because no matter fucking what they will kill you anyway.

Mickey: Understood sir.

Derek: Good, now I'm getting a big ass plate.

Mickey: *chuckles* Lard ass.

Derek: Ich werde deinen Schädel nachgeben (I'll cave your skull in)

Mickey: Woah calm down Derek, dont pull out the German. *does a weird laugh*

Derek: Deutsch sprechen ist besser.  weil ich dich anrufen kann, wie ich will. (Speaking German is better, cause I can call you whatever I want)

Mickey: Jokes on you, we have four Germans. Yo Elias!

Blitz: Ja?

Mickey: Wanna translate whatever the fuck he is saying?

Blitz: Was will dieser Amerikaner? (What does this American want?)

Derek: Ignoriere einfach den Scheißfleck, er kann uns sowieso nicht verstehen. (Just ignore the shit stain, he cant understand us anyway)

You both started to laugh.

Mickey: What's so funny.

Derek: Nichts Bush Camper. (Nothing bush camper)

Mickey: Oh just cause I snipe doesnt mean I camp in bushes.

Blitz: er versteckt sich sicher gern vor dem Kampf (he sure does like to hide from combat)

Derek: Ja, aint that right Mick.

Mickey: You know what... fuck you guys.

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