Second Round Interrupted

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Quebec, Canada; Apartment

Derek POV

You were sitting on the couch waiting for the rest of your squad to get ready, when you suddenly heard a knock on your door. Curious, you got up and took of your glasses and looked through the eye hole. You saw Eric and the rest of the nonsense group.

Derek: *opening door* What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys were under Base arrest.

Grizzy: Thats a real thing?

Derek: No I made it up after the stupid shit you guys decided to do at the range.

Mcnasty: Marius gave us the guns. What did you not want us to do.

Derek: It was 2 in the morning and they were high on cocaine.

Grizzy: Still had fun.

Derek: You missed the target and shot a stray dog in the leg.

Grizzy: Listen, I just wanna know how the fuck it got there.

Derek: Franklin had to amputate its leg.

Yumi: It has 3 more, its all good.

You just rolled your eyes and motioned for them to come in. You closed the door and put your glasses back on.

Grizzy: This place is nice.

Derek: Yea, feel bad for Seamus though since there was no more room for him where the rest of the guys were staying. Plus he arrived here first and forgot to call dibs.

Mcnasty: You guys do dibs?

Derek: No, just meant he forgot to go there after the place was finished being cleaned. So he's bunking here for the tournament.

Mickey walked out of his room and came down the stairs and sat down on the couch.

Mickey: So what's the plan for today boss.

Derek: The plan is, don't watch me get strangled by a Brazilians thighs.

Mickey: You seemed to have been handling it well.

Derek: I can always let you sit out a round.

Mickey: Please dont, I like putting a bullet to close for comfort at an operators head.

Grizzy: Oh yes that reminds me.

You looked away from mickey and turned your attention towards Grizzy.

Derek: What is it.

Grizzy: How does it feel to know that you're being drawn naked.

Derek: Come again?

Mickey: *laughing* Oh this is great, what's the link?

Grizzy: Same with your sister. She has been getting alot of action lately.

Derek: She's married and has a kid.

Grizzy: Pfft, they don't care.

Derek: Well this is just great.

Grizzy: Oh and there's also a girl on tiktok throwing shade at you guys.

Derek: Really? Does she really want to fuck with this.

Grizzy: Apparently yes, she goes to Washington Township in New Jersey.

Derek: So she's talking all this shit. When she's living in New Jersey, what a fucking joke. Do me a favor and go get the little shits ready.

Grizzy: Me?

Derek: Yes, you. I need to make sure my sis is up and ready to go.

Mickey: I can go do that, I'm pretty sure they won't even listen to grizzy anyways.

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